viernes, 11 de marzo de 2011

The phenomenon of abandoned blogs that still maintain their ranking and continue to earn money

I have already a little more than three years writing this blog and in the process I discovered several blogs that despite his success have been abandoned by its authors.

Happens that writing a blog is a task which at times becomes exhausting as there are days in which ideas simply disappear and you do not know what writing and hence the importance of developing mechanisms of creation of content with participation of readers.

What draws attention, however, is that those abandoned blogs do not lose your visitors traffic immediately but remain in the time retaining its ranking of Alexa and its visits and thereby their chances to win money with those blogs.

I wanted to mention for example the case of three blogs in English that have been "abandoned" for different reasons:

1. DoshDosh. "DoshDosh" from one day to another simply ceased publication and now no longer appear its contents. This blog was super known and I visited it in my early days with relative frequency.

As I read on another blog the reason for its disappearance is that the author wanted to devote himself to get his degree in psychology but who said it was unknown by now appeared the blog white given that according to his estimates could have continued to produce about $2,000 per month due to the high traffic that still retains and that are he appreciates his ranking from Alexa where is still located in the 30,000 job in the world even though last year was the first 15,000.

2. ClickForNick. This is a blog that I also follow from my early days and that was the subject of comments from me in the course "How to do a Blog". It happens that ClickForNick was located within the first 50,000 in the Alexa raking and reported revenues of $ 4,000 to 5,000 per month of which 50% came from Google Adsense.

This blog was for me a perfect example of how to make money online with a blog, given that the articles were super simple and very short, barely two paragraphs but it had managed to have a large audience and large profits (read how to make money with a Blog - the story of a real case).

One day however, ClickForNick was subject to a penalty by Google Adsense who took the auspices to contain a series of links that Google considered that it violated their policies. The author of ClickForNick commented at the time all their adventures to try to clean those given links that had been filtered by third parties, but never recovered.

He removed his template to solve the problem and left her with the template that comes by default in the previous version of WordPress but finally abandoned the blog and removed all the advertising systems that had been (Adbrite)(, Infolinks among others).

Now finally wrote what he has done is to focus on other blogs that had close to 30 in total. In spite of this his ranking in Alexa is still ranked 213,000.

3. StrangeNewProducts. Unlike the two previous cases, this case it is super interesting given that the author of this blog left him "abandoned" but as part of a strategy. As he commented at the time it seemed absurd to be enslaved his life trying to write a blog when it produced him enough money.

Then began the strategy of simply having existing his blog commenting elsewhere as sporadic but consistent to maintain the pace of visits he had and the strategy he ran and his blog is still ranking Alexa ranked 430,000 which is not bad for a blog that from the year 2007 contributed only 14 articles (less than one each two months).

Now finally just this blog updated its template.


This brings me to the conclusion that as any business idea, writing a blog is not something eternal, and that we must have an exit strategy.

What the experts recommend is that the best strategy will always be the of trying to sell our blog, not is if that's possible in Spanish language blogs but the truth is that there is a whole market of buying and selling of blogs in the English language (hence the importance that always you do in a domain) (own and not in a free account).

In any case the second best alternative is to follow the strategy of the third commented blog which will consist of trying to maintain our blog without that necessarily write on a permanent basis in the same.

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