miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2011

Habits and customs of millionaires that can help you to become a millionaire

In an interesting article that appeared in USA Today does a story on some customs or habits that are common in people who are millionaires.

If your want to become a millionaire and have lots of money, knowing these customs or habits, perhaps you can help to achieve that purpose and earning money. Below is a summary of them:

1. Millionaires have a habit of being more optimistic about the economy. Always heard news about the global economy or our worrying country but millionaires are more optimistic about the economic situation and that is why they are still investing.

2. Millionaires save and save money. Millionaires are not spent all his money on fun but they have a great discipline to save money. It is estimated that only in their family economy savings saves an average of US$ 39,000 dollars a year.

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3. Millionaires invest their money in stocks and securities. Millionaires invest in the stock market by buying shares or securities of the companies. Where most invested is in technology companies, pharmaceutical industry and in health.

4. Millionaires have 24 hours the day as well as anyone and make you the most. The millionaires do not stay at home watching TV or playing video games, they like you have 24 hours a day and so make the most.

5. Millionaires make decisions constantly and passed to the action. Millionaires are not thinking and dreaming about what it is what will be but passed to the action and make decisions on a permanent basis. No dream but think, making your business plan and then passed to the action.

I hope that these habits can serve them aid. You can read the USAToday article by clicking here on this link

Habits and customs of millionaires that can help you to become a millionaire

In an interesting article that appeared in USA Today does a story on some customs or habits that are common in people who are millionaires.

If your want to become a millionaire and have lots of money, knowing these customs or habits, perhaps you can help to achieve that purpose and earning money. Below is a summary of them:

1. Millionaires have a habit of being more optimistic about the economy. Always heard news about the global economy or our worrying country but millionaires are more optimistic about the economic situation and that is why they are still investing.

2. Millionaires save and save money. Millionaires are not spent all his money on fun but they have a great discipline to save money. It is estimated that only in their family economy savings saves an average of US$ 39,000 dollars a year.

ideas de negocios

3. Millionaires invest their money in stocks and securities. Millionaires invest in the stock market by buying shares or securities of the companies. Where most invested is in technology companies, pharmaceutical industry and in health.

4. Millionaires have 24 hours the day as well as anyone and make you the most. The millionaires do not stay at home watching TV or playing video games, they like you have 24 hours a day and so make the most.

5. Millionaires make decisions constantly and passed to the action. Millionaires are not thinking and dreaming about what it is what will be but passed to the action and make decisions on a permanent basis. No dream but think, making your business plan and then passed to the action.

I hope that these habits can serve them aid. You can read the USAToday article by clicking here on this link

martes, 15 de marzo de 2011

Noteleaf an application free gives you information about the people with whom you will meet to do business

Noteleaf is a free application that works on iPhone, Android or Blackberry smart phones or smartphones.

The truth that can be very useful to be always prepared for any business meeting but requires that we use Google Calendar and that we have has on the social network LinkedIn (the truth is that if you're in the business world it is important to have an account on LinkedIn)(I recommend you read how to find, get a job and build a social network of friends if you're shy or introverted).

What makes this application is to acknowledge the people with whom you will meet using the information that you put in your Google Calendar. Then the application searches for information of that person in the social network of LinkedIn and you proceeded to send a text message with all the information that such person has in that social network.

Text messages are sent prior to the meeting scheduled SMS within United States and Canada. If you live outside these countries still use Noteleaf but need to see the information that provide you this application directly in the Google Calendar. See how the information will appear:

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As nothing is perfect, it can happen that Noteleaf send you information of another person when you can not recognize the person with whom you will meet. Obviously it might happen that the person does not have information on LinkedIn and there will be no information to show.

To use Noteleaf you should not download any application but simply subscribe on your website to connect your Google Calendar and your account from LinkedInd to this application.

You can visit Noteleaf by clicking here on this link

Tiny Letter a totally free service to send newsletters of your business idea and start a campaign of email marketing

One of the strategies to make money online profitably, is through email marketing campaigns.

The great advantage of email marketing campaigns is that once captured the email of your prospect of client, you can send him a successive series of emails to build a relationship of trust that allows you to then make the sale of a more effective manner.

Also, the cost of capturing an email is given first and then you already have direct bearing on your potential client without having to keep spending money so that your message arrives as he would for example with an advertising campaign where by more effective that it is only you can achieve your prospects visit your website but you will hardly return to return unless you continue with the campaign.

One of the basics to develop an email marketing campaign is to have a software that allows you to send newsletters or news to your email database. In a first stage came a series of programs for download on our computers and allowed mass emailing, today however there are a number of software to be used directly on the internet (cloud computing).

There are several options, different prices, but now I want to tell them of Tiny Letter allowing you totally free of charge be able to send mass emails to your email database.

Tiny Letter for being free only allows simple mail (i.e. without use of html), but the truth is enough nowadays that many electronic mail systems block html codes. This website also allows you to have your own web page to enable your users to subscribe to your newsletter and may your modify various aspects of this subscription to thus encourage it.

ideas de negocios

Certainly that Tiny Letter is an option to explore by someone who is getting started in email marketing campaigns before you start paying for a paid program which is usually beyond the reach of small entrepreneurs.

You can visit Tiny Letter by clicking here on this link

10 + 1 steps to earn money with a blog on the internet

dinero blog internetFollowing an email from a friend interested in the approach of a blog as a business idea to make money online is that I was looking for information in this blog that could be summarized very summary steps to give general guidance to those interested in the world of blogs and money.

Came to a written article still 2009, but it is still valid and it contains many valuable points for people really interested in doing a blog and make money with a blog on the internet.

We have updated the article and what you can visit by clicking on the following link: how to earn money with a blog on the internet.

As you can see they are very general steps that serve as a guiding framework to give a general idea of the process by which needs to happen to make money with a blog on the internet, with simple words and technical terms so that everyone can understand.

Clear that then to carry it out each of the steps will be extended in certain tasks or sub steps, but that it is very likely also what you find on this blog using just the search box.

In addition any question or doubt you are to help you in what you can and the best of our ability.

Have a wonderful day.

If our articles are of interest or help you can subscribe to receive them by email by clicking here on this link.Related articles: Posted in: Blogs, make money, Ideas of business, motivation, business online, business profitable, web pages, work Tags: 10, blog, money, money blog, internet blog, make, make money, Internet, for steps

This entry was posted on Tuesday, March 15th, 2011 at 12: 00 pm and is filed under Blogs, make money, Ideas of business, motivation, business online, business profitable, web pages, work. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave to response, or trackback from your own site.

Profitable investments in term deposits or accounts in the term

Inversiones rentablesOne of the ways of making profitable investments is through the accounts in the term, which basically consist of have deposit accounts for a period of time from 30 days to several years, depending on the choice of the user.

This type of investment are also widely used as a means of comparison or as an indicator, to measure the performance of other investments, returns and other variables of profitability of investments.

Profitable investments in term accounts are generally very safe investments made through formally established banks and who have insurance or endorsement of capital to different adverse situations (Bank lace) which guarantees the initial capital.

But for the same reason that are very insurance also have low yields, for example in Peru the effective rate of return is approximately 1.15% annual for time deposits in US $, for 1 year.

Within the deposits in accounts in the term there are also variety of options, the most common are:

1 Accounts in the term, generalmentde from 30 days, 60, 90 to 365 days.

2 Accounts in the long term, which are genralmente for a term of 1, 2 or more years.

3 Accounts run with fortnightly payment of interest, that are like the accounts of the 1 point but with interest payments every 15 days (usually the payment of interest every 30 days or at the end of the period).

Whatever the options if it acknowledges a term deposit for a period of time, for example 1 year, but for some reason need very urgently our capital said deposit cannot be but the interest payments are no longer the same.

There is therefore a clause in contracts for time deposits which is available capital in these emergencies, determined by the user, called early cancellation, but interests are markedly reduced in these cases.

To make a profitable investment in accounts to term or also known as time deposits most advisable it is to do in our Bank of trust, and with our investment advisor which will recommend us the best option for each case.

Have a wonderful day.

If our articles are of interest or help you can subscribe to receive them by email by clicking here on this link.Related articles: Posted in: economy, financial education, make money, investment Tags: accounts, term deposits, time deposits, investments, accounts profitable investments, term, profitable

This entry was posted on Tuesday, March 15th, 2011 at 09: 18 pm and is filed under economy, financial education, make money, investment. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave to response, or trackback from your own site.

Subway becomes the largest restaurant chain relegating to second place at McDonald's

For a long time McDonald's has been the largest restaurant chain measured only by the factor of having the largest number of units of businesses or shops worldwide.

As well as reports it The Wall Street Journal now is Subway who has become the first became the largest chain of restaurants shops around the world to have more units of restaurants. The information is official since that has been provided by these companies to the governmental authority of the United States.

Subway has declared in total have a total of 33,749 units worldwide in 2010, while McDonald's has declared having only 32,737.

Subway had already exceeded in number of restaurants McDonald's in the United States 9 years ago but for the first time makes it around the world in a race to open the largest number of shops which is followed by other chains of restaurants such as Starbucks or Dunkin' Donuts. All these restaurant chains see the strategy of opening more units as a form of growth above all outside l0s United States with a particular focus on Asia.

Let's see how this growth is that is usually made following a business model of franchising that is a great way to expand and make more profitable a business idea.

You can read the news of The Wall Street Journal by clicking here on this link

Flattr a new way to earn money online rewarding content that more you like with a system of micro-payments

Time ago it became fashionable for internet put buttons on PayPal for receiving donations from readers or visitors to a blog or a website.

The idea of the author of the blog or website was put this kind of buttons in order to thus make money Internet appealing to these donations that they requested by pointing out that the content published on the blog was useful and free and that consequently he could deserve a donation of money by the visitor.

These buttons for PayPal donations are becoming rarer and the reason for this is that people did not make any donation (I tried them in my early days on the internet) and that for a marketing issue was a little strange that a website or blog ask for donations when they were in the network very good or contents similar to those that were published on the website asking for donations.

An alternative system has now emerged to receive this type of donations and thus earning extra money on the internet called Flattr.

Flattr is a micropayment system that you can allow any content creator online earn additional money by post on the net but certainly the success of the system will depend much on the will of our readers to participate in this system.

The idea of business of Flattr is as follows:

1. I as the creator of content public about Flattr buttons in the Web site or blog where I publish my articles, my music, my movies or anything else to publique.2. Buttons installed by the author of the content, will allow people to do click on them but only people who have account in Flattr.3 can click. Persons to have account on Flattr must schedule and enable the Fund of money which they wish to "Donate" on the internet using this platform for micropayments. If you program to spend $20 a month then that is the money that will be spread among all the people to whom you click using Flattr.4. If you only click on a Flattr button then all his money in the month will go to that person. If you click on 100 buttons for different Web sites or blogs, then their money out of the month shall be apportioned between all of them and will be a way to thank the people who publish content for them.

Watch the video in English which explains the system:

Imagen de previsualización de YouTube

As you can see Flattr it is a very similar thing to receive donations but that it has been automated to facilitate the process but certainly still depends on the kindness of the people you want to compensate authors for their content published on the internet.

Given that it is an application based on Europe, Flattr uses the Euro as their currency and according to reports FastCompany has almost 70 thousand users and bloggers and authors of websites or blogs reported only receiving about 3 Euros per month which is still very little money but in any case it would have to give it a try This business model to see if in the future it is certainly more profitable.

You can visit Flattr by clicking here on this link

Free add a bar above your blog or website to make more money with Hello Bars

You have direct communication with your potential customers is very important to increase your chances of closing more sales and more money.

On the internet use a blog or a website to generate business is a great tool to achieve this communication but occurs many times that our visits lost the opportunity to find bids or proposals that we make them by our warnings to pass unnoticed.

There are several ways to capture the attention of our visits, one of which is for example create pop-ups but they seem very invasive. Another way of doing this is through a top bar you can use on every page of our Web site or blog and where you can put a direct message with a link to our page of sales or "landing page".

A website that offers you the possibility of having this top bar with an ad free is Hello Bars.

Hello Bars is currently in its beta phase and is accessed only by invitation but is very easy to get one, just visit their web site, fill out the invitation and in no more than 48 hours will arrive you the invitation as happened in my case at least.

Look at the image of this top bar:

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That bar I could modify in different ways. You can change the color of the bar, the color of the letters, font, the color of the link among other things. Look here a modified bar:

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HelloBars makes this possible by inserting a code which has to be put in the "header" or top of our blog or website thing that can easily be depending on the system that we are using on our website.

You can visit HelloBars by clicking here on this link

Twitter social network for business, not only is the first who reacted by Japan earthquake and the Tsunami in the Pacific warning

I've always written about the benefits of social networks to do business and make money online, but social networks are proving to be very effective in other situations.

Social networks have been very effective in political convulsions but also in situations of emergency as it has been the case with the Japan earthquake occurred today and which has had 8.9 degrees of force and causing an alert of Tsunami in all the coasts of the Pacific Ocean.

The most effective social network has been site of Twitter.

Immediately of the earthquake Twitter users were put on alert and began to pass the alert of Tsunami becoming a "trending topic" or in a topic or theme of high discussion concerning the Tsunami.

If you want to follow the discussions and above all be alerted enough on Twitter using the hashtag # tsunami to receive all the messages that are shaping global tsunami is expected that in the next few hours you can reach various shores with AustraliaIndonesia. Hawaii and America such as United States (Los Angeles), Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, Chile.

You can click here on this link to follow on Twitter about the news of the Tsunami.

Well continue waiting for more news about this tragedy in Japan which we hope will not spread to other countries by this Tsunami warning that her can keep using Twitter.

TwAitter, a free service that allows you to schedule the time to send your messages on Twitter

Social networks like Twitter have the great advantage of allowing third parties to develop applications that increase the features of the social network.

A feature that may find it very useful for example is to schedule the day and time that our messages on Twitter will be published as thus can for example go on trip and leave already scheduled tweets.

But more importantly, if you are developing business on the internet you can implement on Twitter all a marketing campaign similar to calls of email marketing which consists of sending a successive series of messages within a previously conceived plan to "hook" to your prospects of clients.

A website that allows you to make such programming is TwAitter that totally free allows you to schedule up to 10 messages per hour and even allows the recurrent shipment from time to time (so you can schedule a tweet is sent once a day and will successively until your decide to stop sending). Look at the picture of day

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TwAitter also allows you to translate your messages into Twitter to dozens of language to your choice using an automatic translator that is integrated to your application which can be accessed directly from your website. Another additional feature is that TwAitter is integrated in the service of Ping.Fm that allows you to spread your Twitter messages to other social networks automatically (I recommend you read save time with a free service to have updated your social networks).

It is certainly a tool which can be very useful for developing business and making money on the internet and Twitter. You can visit TwAitter by clicking here on this link

How to earn money with a blog and adsense

Como ganar dinero por internetThanks to a question from a visiting friend, which was; How to make money with a blog? It is that I take the answer to upload this little, very small, short of the very basic steps in order to make money with a blog and adsense, google contextual advertising program.

Before continuing please check out all her do please through the blog so that everyone can benefit from the answer and that many times I do not have time to reply to emails and I don't like to leave them unanswered.

Let us see the issue:

To earn money with a blog you need basically:

1. Create a blog (or free domain and hosting of payment, I recommend payment in wordpress).

2 Writing daily articles on the topic to develop (I recommend 3 posts per day).

3 Sign up for adsense and place her paintings of advertising on your blog.

4 Be very consistent, patient and persevering, is the only way to win.

There are also other ways to make money online with a blog or not, many of these forms are also developed in this blog and can be searched with the search box on google, but adsense is which I domino and recommend.

It's all very summarized, perhaps too much, in my blog you can find abundant information on all points, if you see that the steps you can carry out and that you are interested in this way to make money online then I recommend you find out more about each point, and if not you can find here only ask via comments.

I will always be willing to help who need it to the extent of my time and possibilities.

Have a wonderful day.

If our articles are of interest or help you can subscribe to receive them by email by clicking here on this link.Related articles: Posted in: Blogs, make money, business, online business Ideas business profitable, pages web, SEO, work Tags: Adsense, blog, such as make money blog, and make money with an adsense, as make money with a blog, with money, makeMake money

This entry was posted on Friday, March 11th, 2011 at 3: 00 pm and is filed under Blogs, make money, Business Ideas, business online, business profitable, pages web, SEO, work. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave to response, or trackback from your own site.

The 100 richest people in the world 2011

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ideas de negocios rentablesComo seguramente muchos ya sabrán el día de ayer la revista Forbes editó su lista de las personas más ricas del mundo para el año 2011 y desde este blog les alcanzamos dicha lista pero para las 100 personas más ricas del mundo 2011.

Solamente mencionar algunos datos interesantes: El primer lugar lo sigue liderando por mucha diferencia el mexicano Calor Slim, seguido por Bill Gates y en tercer lugar Warren Buffet.

Los 3 primeros lugares han permanecido iguales, aunque con diferencias en patrimonio, especialmente el primer puesto. Resaltan también la inclusión de nuevos millonarios, con 121o multi millonarios, 214 más que el año pasado.

Para las personas que se encuentran en el mundo de los negocios y economía estos datos son algo más que una simple lista de interés y curiosidad pues si se analiza un poco nos marcan claras tendencias mundiales, como por ejmplo el avance de países en desarrollo, y también nos marcan los sectores y negocios donde se genera más dinero.

Veamos la lista de las 100 personas más ricas del mundo 2011, ordenados por puesto, nombre, patrimonio, edad, sector y país:

Carlos Slim Helu & family
$74 B 71 telecom Mexico
Bill Gates
$56 B 55 Microsoft United States
Warren Buffett
$50 B 80 Berkshire Hathaway United States
Bernard Arnault
$41 B 62 LVMH France
Larry Ellison
$39.5 B 66 Oracle United States
Lakshmi Mittal
$31.1 B 60 Steel India
Amancio Ortega
$31 B 74 Zara Spain
Eike Batista
$30 B 54 mining, oil Brazil
Mukesh Ambani
$27 B 53 petrochemicals, oil & gas India
Christy Walton & family
$26.5 B 56 Walmart United States
Li Ka-shing
$26 B 82 Diversified Hong Kong
Karl Albrecht
$25.5 B 91 Aldi Germany
Stefan Persson
$24.5 B 63 H&M Sweden
Vladimir Lisin
$24 B 54 Steel Russia
Liliane Bettencourt
$23.5 B 88 L’Oreal France
Sheldon Adelson
$23.3 B 77 casinos United States
David Thomson & family
$23 B 53 media Canada
Charles Koch
$22 B 75 Diversified United States
David Koch
$22 B 70 Diversified United States
Jim Walton
$21.3 B 63 Walmart United States
Alice Walton
$21.2 B 61 Walmart United States
S. Robson Walton
$21 B 67 Walmart United States
Kwok Thomas & Raymond & family
$20 B N/A real estate Hong Kong
Larry Page
$19.8 B 37 Google United States
Sergey Brin
$19.8 B 37 Google United States
Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud
$19.6 B 56 Investments Saudi Arabia
Iris Fontbona & family
$19.2 B N/A Mining Chile
Lee Shau Kee
$19 B 83 real estate Hong Kong
Alexei Mordashov
$18.5 B 45 Steel Russia
Michael Bloomberg
$18.1 B 69 Bloomberg United States
Jeff Bezos
$18.1 B 47 Amazon United States
Michele Ferrero & family
$18 B 84 chocolates Italy
Mikhail Prokhorov
$18 B 45 Investments Russia
Vladimir Potanin
$17.8 B 50 nonferrous metals Russia
Alisher Usmanov
$17.7 B 57 steel, telecom, stocks Russia
Azim Premji
$16.8 B 65 Software India
Oleg Deripaska
$16.8 B 43 aluminum Russia
Michael Otto & family
$16.6 B 67 Retail Germany
German Larrea Mota Velasco & family
$16 B 57 Mining Mexico
Rinat Akhmetov
$16 B 44 steel, coal mines Ukraine
John Paulson
$16 B 55 hedge funds United States
Shashi & Ravi Ruia
$15.8 B 67 Diversified India
Mikhail Fridman
$15.1 B 46 oil, banking, telecom Russia
Michael Dell
$14.6 B 46 Dell United States
Susanne Klatten
$14.6 B 48 BMW, pharmaceuticals Germany
Steve Ballmer
$14.5 B 54 Microsoft United States
George Soros
$14.5 B 80 hedge funds United States
Berthold & Theo Jr. Albrecht & family
$14.4 B N/A Aldi, Trader Joes Germany
Birgit Rausing & family
$14 B 87 packaging Sweden
Vagit Alekperov
$13.9 B 60 Lukoil Russia
Aliko Dangote
$13.8 B 53 sugar, flour, cement Nigeria
Mark Zuckerberg
$13.5 B 26 Facebook United States
Anne Cox Chambers
$13.4 B 91 Cox Enterprises United States
Roman Abramovich
$13.4 B 44 steel, investments Russia
Jorge Paulo Lemann
$13.3 B 71 beer Brazil
Savitri Jindal & family
$13.2 B 60 Steel India
Gerald Cavendish Grosvenor & family
$13 B 59 real estate United Kingdom
Paul Allen
$13 B 58 Microsoft, investments United States
Viktor Vekselberg
$13 B 53 oil, metals Russia
Phil Knight
$12.7 B 73 Nike United States
Robert Kuok
$12.5 B 87 Diversified Malaysia
Carl Icahn
$12.5 B 75 leveraged buyouts United States
Mohammed Al Amoudi
$12.3 B 66 oil Saudi Arabia
Donald Bren
$12 B 78 real estate United States
Ron Perelman
$12 B 68 leveraged buyouts United States
Alberto Bailleres Gonzalez & family
$11.9 B 79 Mining Mexico
Francois Pinault & family
$11.5 B 74 Retail France
Joseph Safra
$11.4 B 72 banking Brazil
Abigail Johnson
$11.3 B 49 Fidelity United States
Viktor Rashnikov
$11.2 B 62 Steel Russia
Leonardo Del Vecchio
$11 B 75 eyewear Italy
John Fredriksen
$10.7 B 66 shipping Cyprus
Stefan Quandt
$10.7 B 44 BMW Germany
James Simons
$10.6 B 72 hedge funds United States
Luis Carlos Sarmiento
$10.5 B 78 banking Colombia
Horst Paulmann & family
$10.5 B 76 Retail Chile
Eliodoro, Bernardo & Patricia Matte
$10.4 B N/A paper Chile
Nasser Al-Kharafi & family
$10.4 B 67 construction Kuwait
Sammy Ofer & family
$10.3 B 89 shipping Israel
Len Blavatnik
$10.1 B 53 Access Industries United States
Hans Rausing
$10 B 84 packaging Sweden
Ernesto Bertarelli & family
$10 B 45 biotech Switzerland
John Mars
$10 B 74 candy, pet food United States
Jacqueline Mars
$10 B 71 candy, pet food United States
Forrest Mars
$10 B 79 candy, pet food United States
Klaus-Michael Kuhne
$10 B 73 shipping Germany
Gautam Adani
$10 B 48 commodities, infrastructure India
Iskander Makhmudov
$9.9 B 47 mining, metals, machinery Russia
Johanna Quandt
$9.8 B 84 BMW Germany
George Kaiser
$9.8 B 68 oil & gas, banking United States
Maria-Elisabeth & Georg Schaeffler
$9.8 B N/A ball bearings Germany
German Khan
$9.6 B 49 oil, banking, telecom Russia
Ananda Krishnan
$9.5 B 72 telecom Malaysia
Dmitry Rybolovlev
$9.5 B 44 fertilizer Russia
Robin Li
$9.4 B 42 Internet China
Serge Dassault & family
$9.3 B 85 aviation France
Kumar Birla
$9.2 B 43 commodities India
Petr Kellner
$9.2 B 46 insurance Czech Republic
Leonid Mikhelson
$9.1 B 55 Natural gas Russia
Cheng Yu-tung
$9 B 85 real estate Hong Kong

Que tengas un maravilloso día.

Nota relacionada: forbes

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Posted in: Economía, Empresas, Tendencias de Negocios

Tags: 100, 2011, del, las, las personas mas ricas, los hombres mas ricos, los mas ricos, los millonarios, los multimillonarios, mas, mundo, personas, ricas

This entry was posted on Thursday, March 10th, 2011 at 12:00 and is filed under Economía, Empresas, Tendencias de Negocios. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

A cylinder to sleep and do better work, original Business Ideas

ideas de negocios rentablesWe are definitely agree that a worker with good humor, good night's sleep, with good food and well treated in general is a worker who can pay well or be more efficient.

It's a cylinder where a worker may sleep for a period of time, which is air conditioned, is nearly airtight so it does not affect the noise or light, i.e. There is a small but very clean and comfortable place to rest ideally during short periods of time.

He is sleep during hours outside of work and out of the cylinder with the "ornate batteries" to make a better performance.

The idea does have logic; the rest is up and is under the responsibility of the worker.

Perhaps if these cylinders are available for hours of rest, for example after the snack, or after the time of departure could even be used within the companies themselves or business.

While it is true that having a worker in good physical health and mental is good for labour however break the hours of work with ideas like this perhaps can be somewhat counter-productive for the company or business for which the best is perhaps that was proposed in the related note; places near work where they can rest.

You wind to do something like this in your business?

Have a wonderful day.

Related note: springwise

If our articles are of interest or help you can subscribe to receive them by email by clicking here on this link.Related articles: Posted in: business, make money, Ideas of business, profitable business, work Tags: cylinder, sleep, do, ideas, ideas of profitable businesses, better, business, original, to, work

This entry was posted on Friday, March 11th, 2011 at 12: 00 pm and is filed under business, make money, Ideas of business, profitable business, work. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave to response, or trackback from your own site.

Profitable investments in mutual funds or investment funds

Inversiones rentables fondos mutuos fondos de inversiónConstantly many people are looking for ways to invest that can be made from small scale as most small investors invest their savings, ranging from small amounts up regular, i.e. from hundreds to thousands of $ $.

For these small investors there is not a guide to investment and the majority of them is not necessarily formed in issues of financial education or finance so although they want to invest but do not know where to do so.

One of these forms of profitable investments where you can invest from small up to medium-sized and large quantities are mutual funds also known as investment funds.

However it is necessary to know that there are different forms of mutual funds or investment, for example mentioned 2:

1. Mutual or without secured capital investment funds: are funds that do not ensure the initial capital of the investor, since any form of investment is always a risk, and that is possible that at some point to lose profits and even capital.

However in the medium and long term investment funds generate profits generally higher a the fixed term deposits, for example comparing the gain of investment funds in 365 days gains of time deposits for 365 days generally of investment funds are greater.

This type of investment funds but does not offer guarantees on initial capital but usually offer medium and long term profits far exceeding investment with guaranteed capital funds.

There are 3 levels of investment in these funds; investments in low risk, medium risk and high risk, and potential earnings inversely proportional to the assumed risk.

2. Secured capital investment or mutual funds: I.e. that makes sure that the seed you don't miss, to which the administering funds companies use much safer investment instruments such as for example papers of debt, coins, etc. It is also possible to use part of the investment fund to ensure initial capital.

This type of funds is much safer than the first but the gains are also much smaller, but more stable.


Best before investing's advice with an agent of investment of the Bank of trust where we have our savings, devote to the investment fund an amount that does not affect the economy denuestra family and is not required to live as we are accustomed.

Ask the Advisor's investment that shows each of the characteristics of the investment funds available, clearly indicating the level of risk of each in order to finally choose the investment fund with the risk set out to be according to our personal level of risk tolerance.

Have a wonderful day.

If our articles are of interest or help you can subscribe to receive them by email by clicking here on this link.Related articles: Posted in: economy, financial education, make money, investment Tags: funds, mutual funds, mutual funds, investment, investment, investment profitable, mutual, profitable

This entry was posted on Saturday, March 12th, 2011 at 09: 18 pm and is filed under economy, financial education, make money, investment. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave to response, or trackback from your own site.

lunes, 14 de marzo de 2011

Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan, March 11, 2011

Unfortunately we must report on the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, which just happened today, March 11, 2011 in the early morning hours, being one of our blogs from our network of blogs, tourism Universal the first to report on this tragedy of nature; Earthquake in Japan March 2011.

There you can see a little more detailed note and with data access was had at the time of its publication, you can also see the subsequent videos because that post is constantly updated.

Our intention, as we did in the case of the earthquake in Chile, is to inform and serve as a help for all those who wish to learn about their situation and looking for friends and family to which left comments free to the public.

Let us hope that the figures of people affected by this earthquake and tsunami does not grow with the passage of the hours and that the effects of the tsunami in the Pacific are not considered.

We will continue to maintain informed both here and in the article by our friend blog, Universal tourism.

If our articles are of interest or help you can subscribe to receive them by email by clicking here on this link.Related articles: Posted in: social development, General, opinion, Web Tags: 11, 2011, Japan, March, March 2011, earthquake, earthquake Japan, tsunami, tsunami Japan

This entry was posted on Friday, March 11th, 2011 at 09: 03 and is filed under social development, General, opinion, web pages. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave to response, or trackback from your own site.

Create a free blog service offered by LaNuevaEconomia.com

como ganar dinero por internetIn a previous article we proposed the idea of offering services to create a blog as a profitable business idea to make money on the internet, this for the various reasons why a person cannot or don't want to learn how to create a blog from scratch.

Well, we have received some concerns about whether we give advice or courses for the creation of a blog and the truth is that while we have knowledge I think enough about the subject but our time restrictions prevent us from developing a course of these features.

However if we can offer the service to create a free blog for those who need it, this way we can meet the needs of those people who cannot or do not want to learn how to create a blog under wordpress domain and hosting of payment.

The past few days I was looking to offer the free creation of blogs service for all the interested public that does not know or can not do a blog on wordpress, as well as you that you are interested in having a blog for your business or what you want, under the platform of wordpress with domain and hosting of payment.

The conditions would be these:

1.-You must buy your own domain and hosting at HostGator, under my link from affiliate, you pay the same, there are no hidden costs, but I get a return of part of HostGator for a client. You can choose any plan, I recommend the plan baby, but with a minimum duration of 6 months.

2. I think under your domain and your hosting (for which would need to bother you directly to the email: lanuevaeconomia@gmail.com) a blog with a design standard, simple, clean and fast, with all the plugins and configurations ready to just start writing on your part and learn little by little on maintenance and other points that you find them free on the internet.

3. The relationship ends here, given that it is a free service and by restrictions on my time could give support and advice to people which create a blog.

If you are interested in this proposal please let me know by email or the comments of this article. Also any questions you may have in this regard please let her get through the comments of this post.

As always, we will give preference to the non-profit associations that want to create a blog, although all the consultations on the matter will be dealt with according to chronological order.

Have a wonderful day.

If our articles are of interest or help you can subscribe to receive them by email by clicking here on this link.Related articles: Posted in: Blogs, make money, motivation, pages web, recommended services, work Tags: blog, free blog, create, create a blog, create a free blog, free domain, hostgator, hosting, lanuevaeconomia.com, offered, payment for service, A

This entry was posted on Wednesday, March 14th, 2011 at 09: 04 pm and is filed under Blogs, make money, motivation, pages web, recommended services and work. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave to response, or trackback from your own site.

Having a blog in wordpress without knowledge of wordpress, the case of ArteYDecoracion.net

crear un blog gratisThere are many, many people browsing read on the creation of blogs and are interested in this topic, but to find out more you can see that creating a blog in wordpress with domain and hosting own or payment (which is recommended for serious projects) is not so simple then they discouraged and give up the idea.

I am sure that many of these people could be drafters or successful bloggers, but perhaps the ignorance, fear of what's new, lack of time, and other causes made to abandon the interest and never can know if could or not be successful.

The big difference between a successful entrepreneur and a dreamer is that the entrepreneur makes dreams a reality, without fear of failure, the entrepreneur takes action, ventures, try, learn, and if you can't hire or looking for someone to make it, not therefore has boundaries or excuses to abandon their ventures.

The same happens with the world of blogs, regardless of the reason why is decided to create a blog, it can be to be successful with a blog only if one has the virtues described above, being the technical difficulties rather than an obstacle, but something that has various solutions.

For example, present the case of the ArteYDecoracion.net blog, a blog created on December 1, 2010 and the date is in constant growth and I estimate that it will come to make míninas of US $100 monthly profits this month or at the latest the following monthi.e., to earn at least US $100 per month with adsense only 4 or 5 months of creation.

And this is still not applied techniques of positioning, nor social networking strategies. Although articles update has an average of 2.5 on a daily basis, and there I think that his success, along with the quality of drafting them is.

crear un blog gratis

The curious case is that his publisher, editor or blogger has no knowledge of wordpress, not know how to create a blog on wordpress, you don't know how to configure it or keep it, though we take care of creating a free blog, put it on the vergego only to write articles, which it did very well, and the blog began to produce their results by itself.

As they are not knowing wordpress is not an obstacle, since that there are even free solutions, such as for example the service we are offering to create a blog free for those who has no knowledge or can or want to learn wordpress from scratch.

If you really want something in life there are no obstacles, only there are points to resolve with creative ideas or looking for services or products according to our pockets.

The same in blogs; If you do not know, you can't or don't want to learn wordpress from scratch, but if you have a fervent desire to have a blog, write your conomientos in the same, your experience, or your passion, and at the same time why not make moneythen there is no excuse for not doing so.

Clear that personally always I recommend to those who have a blog learning wordpress little by little, but you can do that in his remaining spare time and at the same time drafting and making money.

Not to so in the medium to long term will have to pay someone to keep his blog, update it or solve any problem that may occur. Although that is also a valid option.

Have a wonderful day.

If our articles are of interest or help you can subscribe to receive them by email by clicking here on this link.Related articles: Posted in: Blogs, make money, Ideas of business, investment, business online, business profitable, pages web, recommended services, work Tags: ArteYDecoracion.net, blog, event, knowledge, without having, WordPress

This entry was posted on Wednesday, March 14th, 2011 at 12: 00 pm and is filed under Blogs, make money, Ideas of business, investment, business online, business profitable, pages web, recommended services and work. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave to response, or trackback from your own site.

viernes, 11 de marzo de 2011

How to create a page on Facebook

como crear una pagina en facebookYesterday we published a post on how to make a page on Facebook for that when we did a few searches on the subject did not find much information of relevance in the top of google, is why we made a simple and small tutorial step by step to create a page on Facebook.

One of the reasons to create a page on facebook is that social networks are still in growth, are increasingly accessing facebook and users who spend much of his time in that social network, it is then important to have a presence on the same.

Additionally google has begun to take into account social networks like facebook within its search algorithm, also positioning the contents of the social networks within the common searches.

So if for example we had a blog located first of all let us be the town "money" but someone has a page on facebook relevant with the same keyword, then it is likely that we can be displaced to other pocisiones.

It is therefore important to position ourselves not only in google, the best search engine for the moment, but also in major social networks such as facebook or twitter.

The positioning as we knew it so far is changing and the introduction of social networking and the power that it is taking over the internet will continue to change the patterns and habits of search, hopefully good for the end user.

If you were looking for then create a page on facebook, whether personal, business or your company, or any other need, then now you can know in few steps how to create a page on facebook following that tutorial.

Have a wonderful day.

If our articles are of interest or help you can subscribe to receive them by email by clicking here on this link.Related articles: Posted in: Blogs, business, Marketing and advertising, online business, pages web, social networks, SEO Tags: as, how to create a page on Facebook, create on facebook, page, a

This entry was posted on Thursday, April 9th, 2011 at 3: 00 pm and is filed under Blogs, business, Marketing and advertising, online business, pages web, social networks, SEO. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave to response, or trackback from your own site.

LaNuevaEconomia.com page on Facebook

Facebook de LaNuevaEconomia.com

While for a long time I have an account or a personal page on Facebook where you put the articles of this blog available to my friends and followers, and I still do, I decided to create an exclusive page of this blog, which can be accessed from the link below: LaNuevaEconomia.com Facebook

You have also added the widget of the LaNuevaEconomia.com Facebook page so if you like you can follow us through the Web, by simply clicking on this widget, as shown in the image of this post.

This change we have done so for that I think it is important to separate the person behind this blog, Lucho Guzmán, and put in relevance to the name LaNuevaEconomia.com as a generating source of content of interest that can be shared on facebook.

In this way we can separate personal matters and focus more on topics covered on the blog, and to provide all persons who use facebook specific contents of the topics usually covered by LaNuevaEconomia.com.

If you feel that this blog has topics of interest or if ever I could help in something I ask that if you want you click on the facebook widget and we follow for such means.

Also you can share with your friends our page of LaNuevaEconomia.com on Facebook if you consider that they may be useful or of interest, thank you.

Have a wonderful day.

If our articles are of interest or help you can subscribe to receive them by email by clicking here on this link.Related articles: Posted in: Blogs, Marketing and advertising, web sites, networks social Tags: facebook, fan, lanuevaeconomia, lanuevaeconomia.com, I like, page

This entry was posted on Thursday, April 9th, 2011 at 12: 00 pm and is filed under Blogs, Marketing and advertising, websites, social networks. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave to response, or trackback from your own site.

The phenomenon of abandoned blogs that still maintain their ranking and continue to earn money

I have already a little more than three years writing this blog and in the process I discovered several blogs that despite his success have been abandoned by its authors.

Happens that writing a blog is a task which at times becomes exhausting as there are days in which ideas simply disappear and you do not know what writing and hence the importance of developing mechanisms of creation of content with participation of readers.

What draws attention, however, is that those abandoned blogs do not lose your visitors traffic immediately but remain in the time retaining its ranking of Alexa and its visits and thereby their chances to win money with those blogs.

I wanted to mention for example the case of three blogs in English that have been "abandoned" for different reasons:

1. DoshDosh. "DoshDosh" from one day to another simply ceased publication and now no longer appear its contents. This blog was super known and I visited it in my early days with relative frequency.

As I read on another blog the reason for its disappearance is that the author wanted to devote himself to get his degree in psychology but who said it was unknown by now appeared the blog white given that according to his estimates could have continued to produce about $2,000 per month due to the high traffic that still retains and that are he appreciates his ranking from Alexa where is still located in the 30,000 job in the world even though last year was the first 15,000.

2. ClickForNick. This is a blog that I also follow from my early days and that was the subject of comments from me in the course "How to do a Blog". It happens that ClickForNick was located within the first 50,000 in the Alexa raking and reported revenues of $ 4,000 to 5,000 per month of which 50% came from Google Adsense.

This blog was for me a perfect example of how to make money online with a blog, given that the articles were super simple and very short, barely two paragraphs but it had managed to have a large audience and large profits (read how to make money with a Blog - the story of a real case).

One day however, ClickForNick was subject to a penalty by Google Adsense who took the auspices to contain a series of links that Google considered that it violated their policies. The author of ClickForNick commented at the time all their adventures to try to clean those given links that had been filtered by third parties, but never recovered.

He removed his template to solve the problem and left her with the template that comes by default in the previous version of WordPress but finally abandoned the blog and removed all the advertising systems that had been (Adbrite)(, Infolinks among others).

Now finally wrote what he has done is to focus on other blogs that had close to 30 in total. In spite of this his ranking in Alexa is still ranked 213,000.

3. StrangeNewProducts. Unlike the two previous cases, this case it is super interesting given that the author of this blog left him "abandoned" but as part of a strategy. As he commented at the time it seemed absurd to be enslaved his life trying to write a blog when it produced him enough money.

Then began the strategy of simply having existing his blog commenting elsewhere as sporadic but consistent to maintain the pace of visits he had and the strategy he ran and his blog is still ranking Alexa ranked 430,000 which is not bad for a blog that from the year 2007 contributed only 14 articles (less than one each two months).

Now finally just this blog updated its template.


This brings me to the conclusion that as any business idea, writing a blog is not something eternal, and that we must have an exit strategy.

What the experts recommend is that the best strategy will always be the of trying to sell our blog, not is if that's possible in Spanish language blogs but the truth is that there is a whole market of buying and selling of blogs in the English language (hence the importance that always you do in a domain) (own and not in a free account).

In any case the second best alternative is to follow the strategy of the third commented blog which will consist of trying to maintain our blog without that necessarily write on a permanent basis in the same.

Ideas of strange business, rent closed portable beds to make a NAP or rest

Always refers to the benefits of making a NAP in order to have our clear minds and be more productive.

It is advisable take NAPs at noon of no more than 30 minutes to be able to follow our day with greater efficiency. We could easily take those 30 minutes after lunch but the problem is that we are not taking the NAP.

Go to our houses would create us more stress for the distance between our work and our houses would including most of the time impossible to think that we can go to our House to sleep in our bed la siesta (of course that I know of some people that they do and that even are Pajamas for the siesta).

Before any need or problem, there is always the opportunity to make new business and for this reason that someone thought the business idea of putting a few portable beds in a cylinder that mimics a battery or battery while the concept is that one to sleep or does the NAP on these portable beds in England to recharge energies.

It is a cylinder one can go to bed, close the door and enjoy total privacy and silence at the time of its NAP.

The company is called PodTime and half an hour of rest cost 5.99 GBP but one will be completely renewed and refreshed. Look at the image of this great business idea:

ideas de negocios

You can visit the PodTime website by clicking here on this link

Original minimalist yet practical design of a wallet to save your money

The wallet is indeed today something unavoidable and an accessory used by men and women.

There are countless models of wallets but I just found one super minimalist but practical at the same time although it has the disadvantage that has no place for credit cards.

I imagine that the idea of the person who designed this model was that one used another accessory to the credit cards and another for the currencies although you could add you a small pocket in one of the sides to carry credit cards there and solved half the problem.

The wallet comes in two sizes depending on the size of the notes of your country but they have been specially designed for the size of the UK Sterling and dollars. There are different colors, and their price ranges from 95 to 120 dollars. Look at the images of this practical wallet:

ideas de negocios

ideas de negocios

ideas de negocios

ideas de negocios

More information on how to buy them online to visit the site Leffot where I have taken the above photos by clicking here on this link

Why a business that wants to make money on the internet must have a blog Yes or Yes

There are many business ideas that see the internet as a platform to sell their products and earn money but are often frustrated when they fail any effective results.

There may be many factors to the failure of a business on the internet, but the main element is usually that do not get visits traffic sustained the website where I sell my products.

A way to get traffic is to buy advertising systems like Google Adwords but often use this strategy only for visits can be very expensive and hence the need to supplement it with other strategies that allow me to get traffic in visits to my site in a less costly way or if possible free of charge.

Right there is where the need for a blog to my business idea is fundamental and unavoidable:

1. A blog gives me traffic of free visits. In contrast to a strategy of advertising, have a blog I will provide traffic of visitors in free form.

It happens that the articles that I write in my blog will be indexed in the search engines like Google and this will cause that people come to my blog and hence to the products I am selling.

2. A blog will allow me to improve the position of my website's sales of products. The pages where products are sold are generally static pages that are updated infrequently and just why it is difficult to have a good place in the search engines prefer websites that are updated on an ongoing basis.

To the a el tener having a blog within a folder of my domain for sale of goods, shall throughout the website, including the static pages where the sale of my products to improve the systems of search to detect these, on the blog, contents are renewed.

3. A blog allows me to project authority and current. The reason why the motóres of search like Google give preference to sites that are updated on an ongoing basis is that this is an essential factor that people seek given that that projects an image of topical and innovative content.

But also to have a blog we will get an image of the authority where it develops our business idea that will then allow us to close sales of our products or services with greater ease.

4. Do not forget that we are talking about a blog. This is a warning, the earlier written works only if we really do have a blog of our business idea you have contents of current issues and be renewed on a permanent basis. If you're going to do a blog only to publish an article or two per month, you'll be wasting your time and once again you frustrarás when you do not see any results in your business over the internet.

Payment of HostGator, make money online with affiliate Hosting

Yesterday was the chance for 2 payments of 2 different companies to make money on the internet, the first of these was the payment of zync, whose article and analysis you can view the following link: payment of zync.

The second company that paid us today was HostGator and frankly we were surprised that for a good time that we had written some articles recommending this good hosting service, in my opinion one of the best for those who are new to blogs.

It is necessary to take into account that our blog is not specialized in hosting or in services for bloggers or webmasters, although from time to time we write on these issues based on experience and with the aim to help choose the best suppliers fruit of our experience to our visiting friends.

HostGator, mejor hosting para blogs y websAs you can see in the image, HostGator is a hosting company would be paid, which in addition to being one of the best hosting providers also gives the possibility to earn money through their affiliate system.

If you use HostGator or if you are planning to use so I encourage you to that you also afilies to its sales system and you can earn a little money (or perhaps much if your topic is hosting or similar) recommending the same product you use and with him which are satisfied.

Make money online with affiliate systems is a good option and so we are starting to study and develop from this blog, so it is very likely to soon write more articles on the subject.

Have a wonderful day.

If our articles are of interest or help you can subscribe to receive them by email by clicking here on this link.Related articles: Posted in: applications, Blogs, make money, business, business online, business profitable, pages web, recommended products and services recommended Tags: affiliates, how to win money on the internet, with money, earn, hostgator, hosting, Internet payment, by system

This entry was posted on Thursday, April 9th, 2011 at 09: 00 and is filed under applications, Blogs, business, make money, business online, business profitable, pages web, recommended products, recommended services. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave to response, or trackback from your own site.

A free tool to convert images with text in editable documents with a processor

One of the major problems when it scans a document is that ultimately it is only an image and the text that may have that image may not be modified.

Today however, there is the OCR (Optical Character Recognition or optical character recognition) technology that allows to turn the image of text into editable documents.

This technology things obviously much easier us and makes us to save time and money to no longer be necessary to transcribe the documents, unfortunately is a technology that is still a little face there are already online free versions that can be used with some limitations.

I already said so on two articles on two sites that allow us to completely free to do this conversion. You can read:

1 Convert free PDF documents into a word processor-compatible format
2 Save time and money with a program that converts free documents scaneados (PDF) documents of text type Word

As well I would now like to report on a third website which also allows them to make this conversion in a totally free way and everything on the internet. The site is called SciWeavers.

In SciWeavers the only thing you have to do is upload the image with the text, select the language of the text and then the conversion occurs on the internet and we are given a link to download and save on our computer text already in format to be read and modified in a text processor.

What it requires is that the image is a high-resolution and also be in a known format of images as bmp, tif, jpeg, gif, png and others.

After testing the three, I prefer particularly the second given that it is much more practical for long documents, the drawback is that it allows you to convert free only a certain number of documents and then forces you to subscribe to continue using the service.

You can visit SciWeavers by clicking here on this link

jueves, 10 de marzo de 2011

Google versus facebook model's model, will be the winner?

ideas de negocios onlineDespite having personal facebook since long ago, is not but since a few days ago that we have created the page of facebook's LaNuevaEconomia.com, and rightly some visiting friends told me that they thought that it would never, and that it took me too.

Because they are right, and part of this reluctance to create a page on facebook on this blog is for the personal opinion on facebook by comparing it to google.

Let us look at google:

From my particular point of view, Google offers a much more open to customer business model, offering at the same time many forms that are the users themselves who also derive benefits with their products and services and at the same time that effort by its clients also is beneficial for google.

Let us take a simple example; We have a blog, i.e. are writers, offer users content online (which we hope will be of quality), google indexes this content in your database and according to various factors or algorithms placed various topics in various positions.

If we wish we can monetize our content with advertising from google called adsense, and obtain cash by this task, hobby, hobby or job benefits, whatever it is that we see.

Thus closes the wheel of google: user upload content, google placed automatic advertising in that content, the user receives benefits for such advertising and google also receives a portion of these profits paid advertisers.

Consider this model it virtuous for all participants of this circle, both editors, users, advertisers and google benefit in this chain or model.

Let us now look at facebook:

Facebook offers a free place of easy access, a private or public account on their social network, the user upload the content you want to the network, making connections with friends, expands its network, continues uploading content and continues to grow its network.

You can now even create different pages to your personal page, for example your page on facebook for business, institutional, common causes, etc. You can also create groups, applications, etc.

Done by the facebook user fails to be profitable in a direct way for the user, but it has a direct impact on the wealth of facebook.

Systems controlled by the own facebook only facebook advertising benefit to facebook, user generated content do not receive any percentage of these profits paid by the advertisers and distributed according to the contents of each user.

Some might say me that the current editors or generators of content users benefit from the traffic generated from the activity on facebook, and are right, but it is an indirect benefit.

As we can see facebook does not usa an open to the user and their profits by advertising model not share them with anyone, for more than that the content of your network is generated by its users.


It is for these reasons, and some more, I have some reluctance to use facebook, however I do since the weight of social networks within the strategy of positioning on the internet is increasingly important.

Same Google is beginning to be indexed in their search to facebook pages, by what if a business on the internet, site or blog, or anywhere online interested in reaching your audience does not have a strategy of development in social networks is participating in online indexing of disadvantageous way.

Imagine that a blogger does not allow advertising to its users and instead began to publish their own advertising without sharing the profits for the same with their users, it would be something unthinkable is the current state of things, isn't it?

And yet that is what makes facebook, and we ourselves who eat more and more to the social network, into the arrangement which is currently.

We'll see how it develops this theme in the future.

Have a wonderful day.

If our articles are of interest or help you can subscribe to receive them by email by clicking here on this link.Related articles: Posted in: Blogs, make money, Marketing and advertising, online business, opinion, web sites, networks social Tags: which, facebook, winner, google, model, will be, versus

This entry was posted on Thursday, March 10th, 2011 at 3: 00 pm and is filed under Blogs, make money, Marketing and advertising, online business, opinion, web, social networking pages. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave to response, or trackback from your own site.

How to make a page on Facebook

Cómo crear una página en FacebookSocial networks are becoming increasingly important in any strategy Internet so it is very important to know to handle these networks, especially the most important such as facebook or twitter.

We are going to start a small tutorial on how to create a page on facebook since I found lots of information on the internet and is not as easy or intuitive as many mentioned, perhaps we can help some make your page on facebook without wasting much time to do so.

1 You must have an account on facebook, if you have not I recommend you create an account on facebook.

2. Once in your facebook account you must click on "Ads and pages" in the left column.

Cómo hacer una página en Facebook

3.-On the new page that will open will need to click on the button "+ create a page":

Cómo crear una página en Facebook4. On the next page 6 options are displayed to make a page, for this example we will choose the option "Cause or community", by clicking on this option.

Cómo crear una página en facebook

5. Once done click the option appears to fill data on the new facebook page, we llenemos the name with the cause or page which will be the same, but taking into account not directly write the word "facebook" that is rejected.

For example wrote the name "how to make a page in" and then we click or check the box "I accept the conditions of facebook pages" (recommend reading them previously) and finally click on the blue button "Start":

Cómo crear una página en Facebook

6.-If you did the whole process correctly and you have your page on facebook and it should be similar to our example:

Cómo crear una página en Facebook

You have your list page on facebook so her you personalize, you add you images and the information that you want. You can visit the page on facebook for our example in:

How to make a page on facebook

The following options that appear are to personalize and publicize your facebook page, which are:

1 Add an image.

2 Invite your friends.

3 Reports to your fans.

4 Publish status updates.

5 Promote this page on your web site.

6 Set up your mobile phone.

You can develop each of these points or that you consider appropriate, in any case if you need help at some point just ask us and we will try to do another tutorial.

Have a wonderful day.

If our articles are of interest or help you can subscribe to receive them by email by clicking here on this link.Related articles: Posted in: applications, Blogs, business, Marketing and advertising, web sites, networks social Tags: like, how to create a page on Facebook, how to make a page on Facebook, creating, in facebook, fb, do, page, a

This entry was posted on Tuesday, March 8th, 2011 at 13: 37 and is filed under applications, Blogs, business, Marketing and advertising, websites, social networks. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave to response, or trackback from your own site.

The 100 richest people in the world 2011

Error in deserializing body of reply message for operation 'Translate'. The maximum string content length quota (8192) has been exceeded while reading XML data. This quota may be increased by changing the MaxStringContentLength property on the XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas object used when creating the XML reader. Line 1, position 10398.

ideas de negocios rentablesComo seguramente muchos ya sabrán el día de ayer la revista Forbes editó su lista de las personas más ricas del mundo para el año 2011 y desde este blog les alcanzamos dicha lista pero para las 100 personas más ricas del mundo 2011.

Solamente mencionar algunos datos interesantes: El primer lugar lo sigue liderando por mucha diferencia el mexicano Calor Slim, seguido por Bill Gates y en tercer lugar Warren Buffet.

Los 3 primeros lugares han permanecido iguales, aunque con diferencias en patrimonio, especialmente el primer puesto. Resaltan también la inclusión de nuevos millonarios, con 121o multi millonarios, 214 más que el año pasado.

Para las personas que se encuentran en el mundo de los negocios y economía estos datos son algo más que una simple lista de interés y curiosidad pues si se analiza un poco nos marcan claras tendencias mundiales, como por ejmplo el avance de países en desarrollo, y también nos marcan los sectores y negocios donde se genera más dinero.

Veamos la lista de las 100 personas más ricas del mundo 2011, ordenados por puesto, nombre, patrimonio, edad, sector y país:

Carlos Slim Helu & family
$74 B 71 telecom Mexico
Bill Gates
$56 B 55 Microsoft United States
Warren Buffett
$50 B 80 Berkshire Hathaway United States
Bernard Arnault
$41 B 62 LVMH France
Larry Ellison
$39.5 B 66 Oracle United States
Lakshmi Mittal
$31.1 B 60 Steel India
Amancio Ortega
$31 B 74 Zara Spain
Eike Batista
$30 B 54 mining, oil Brazil
Mukesh Ambani
$27 B 53 petrochemicals, oil & gas India
Christy Walton & family
$26.5 B 56 Walmart United States
Li Ka-shing
$26 B 82 Diversified Hong Kong
Karl Albrecht
$25.5 B 91 Aldi Germany
Stefan Persson
$24.5 B 63 H&M Sweden
Vladimir Lisin
$24 B 54 Steel Russia
Liliane Bettencourt
$23.5 B 88 L’Oreal France
Sheldon Adelson
$23.3 B 77 casinos United States
David Thomson & family
$23 B 53 media Canada
Charles Koch
$22 B 75 Diversified United States
David Koch
$22 B 70 Diversified United States
Jim Walton
$21.3 B 63 Walmart United States
Alice Walton
$21.2 B 61 Walmart United States
S. Robson Walton
$21 B 67 Walmart United States
Kwok Thomas & Raymond & family
$20 B N/A real estate Hong Kong
Larry Page
$19.8 B 37 Google United States
Sergey Brin
$19.8 B 37 Google United States
Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud
$19.6 B 56 Investments Saudi Arabia
Iris Fontbona & family
$19.2 B N/A Mining Chile
Lee Shau Kee
$19 B 83 real estate Hong Kong
Alexei Mordashov
$18.5 B 45 Steel Russia
Michael Bloomberg
$18.1 B 69 Bloomberg United States
Jeff Bezos
$18.1 B 47 Amazon United States
Michele Ferrero & family
$18 B 84 chocolates Italy
Mikhail Prokhorov
$18 B 45 Investments Russia
Vladimir Potanin
$17.8 B 50 nonferrous metals Russia
Alisher Usmanov
$17.7 B 57 steel, telecom, stocks Russia
Azim Premji
$16.8 B 65 Software India
Oleg Deripaska
$16.8 B 43 aluminum Russia
Michael Otto & family
$16.6 B 67 Retail Germany
German Larrea Mota Velasco & family
$16 B 57 Mining Mexico
Rinat Akhmetov
$16 B 44 steel, coal mines Ukraine
John Paulson
$16 B 55 hedge funds United States
Shashi & Ravi Ruia
$15.8 B 67 Diversified India
Mikhail Fridman
$15.1 B 46 oil, banking, telecom Russia
Michael Dell
$14.6 B 46 Dell United States
Susanne Klatten
$14.6 B 48 BMW, pharmaceuticals Germany
Steve Ballmer
$14.5 B 54 Microsoft United States
George Soros
$14.5 B 80 hedge funds United States
Berthold & Theo Jr. Albrecht & family
$14.4 B N/A Aldi, Trader Joes Germany
Birgit Rausing & family
$14 B 87 packaging Sweden
Vagit Alekperov
$13.9 B 60 Lukoil Russia
Aliko Dangote
$13.8 B 53 sugar, flour, cement Nigeria
Mark Zuckerberg
$13.5 B 26 Facebook United States
Anne Cox Chambers
$13.4 B 91 Cox Enterprises United States
Roman Abramovich
$13.4 B 44 steel, investments Russia
Jorge Paulo Lemann
$13.3 B 71 beer Brazil
Savitri Jindal & family
$13.2 B 60 Steel India
Gerald Cavendish Grosvenor & family
$13 B 59 real estate United Kingdom
Paul Allen
$13 B 58 Microsoft, investments United States
Viktor Vekselberg
$13 B 53 oil, metals Russia
Phil Knight
$12.7 B 73 Nike United States
Robert Kuok
$12.5 B 87 Diversified Malaysia
Carl Icahn
$12.5 B 75 leveraged buyouts United States
Mohammed Al Amoudi
$12.3 B 66 oil Saudi Arabia
Donald Bren
$12 B 78 real estate United States
Ron Perelman
$12 B 68 leveraged buyouts United States
Alberto Bailleres Gonzalez & family
$11.9 B 79 Mining Mexico
Francois Pinault & family
$11.5 B 74 Retail France
Joseph Safra
$11.4 B 72 banking Brazil
Abigail Johnson
$11.3 B 49 Fidelity United States
Viktor Rashnikov
$11.2 B 62 Steel Russia
Leonardo Del Vecchio
$11 B 75 eyewear Italy
John Fredriksen
$10.7 B 66 shipping Cyprus
Stefan Quandt
$10.7 B 44 BMW Germany
James Simons
$10.6 B 72 hedge funds United States
Luis Carlos Sarmiento
$10.5 B 78 banking Colombia
Horst Paulmann & family
$10.5 B 76 Retail Chile
Eliodoro, Bernardo & Patricia Matte
$10.4 B N/A paper Chile
Nasser Al-Kharafi & family
$10.4 B 67 construction Kuwait
Sammy Ofer & family
$10.3 B 89 shipping Israel
Len Blavatnik
$10.1 B 53 Access Industries United States
Hans Rausing
$10 B 84 packaging Sweden
Ernesto Bertarelli & family
$10 B 45 biotech Switzerland
John Mars
$10 B 74 candy, pet food United States
Jacqueline Mars
$10 B 71 candy, pet food United States
Forrest Mars
$10 B 79 candy, pet food United States
Klaus-Michael Kuhne
$10 B 73 shipping Germany
Gautam Adani
$10 B 48 commodities, infrastructure India
Iskander Makhmudov
$9.9 B 47 mining, metals, machinery Russia
Johanna Quandt
$9.8 B 84 BMW Germany
George Kaiser
$9.8 B 68 oil & gas, banking United States
Maria-Elisabeth & Georg Schaeffler
$9.8 B N/A ball bearings Germany
German Khan
$9.6 B 49 oil, banking, telecom Russia
Ananda Krishnan
$9.5 B 72 telecom Malaysia
Dmitry Rybolovlev
$9.5 B 44 fertilizer Russia
Robin Li
$9.4 B 42 Internet China
Serge Dassault & family
$9.3 B 85 aviation France
Kumar Birla
$9.2 B 43 commodities India
Petr Kellner
$9.2 B 46 insurance Czech Republic
Leonid Mikhelson
$9.1 B 55 Natural gas Russia
Cheng Yu-tung
$9 B 85 real estate Hong Kong

Que tengas un maravilloso día.

Nota relacionada: forbes

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Posted in: Economía, Empresas, Tendencias de Negocios

Tags: 100, 2011, del, las, las personas mas ricas, los hombres mas ricos, los mas ricos, los millonarios, los multimillonarios, mas, mundo, personas, ricas

This entry was posted on Thursday, March 10th, 2011 at 12:00 and is filed under Economía, Empresas, Tendencias de Negocios. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

Payment of Zync, advantages and disadvantages of sponsored analysis

como ganar dinero por internetNormally we always tried different ways of making money on the internet before writing about them or recommending them and try to make the analysis of the companies involved road a view more impartial.

Today have received the first payment of zync, by the amount of 51.41 euros, equivalent to 7 analysis sponsored in our blog, which is why we can say that without taking into account the advantages or disadvantages of zyncThis company if it pays on time, at least in our case as well did it.


1. A price paid above the average for sponsored analysis, compared with prices for reviews at a general level.

2. Drafting of analysis sponsored left on freedom of the Publisher or editor, so it is that it can be used as a useful and informative post for the visitors.

3. Good support; in our case they replied to all emails we send doing consultations, including proposed us alternative solutions to some of the proposals themselves.

4. Timely payment, paid us within the time specified by themselves.


1 Were almost 1 year in the program of zync, and during this time not we were contacted not 1 single time by advertisers individuals by what we had to resort to markets, which are advertisers that leave zync sponsored without any particular preference analysis search.

2 Duration very fast from the markets: in the absence of direct advertisers (unless we not met none) editors come to the system of street markets still a large imbalance between the supply of editors and advertisers demand.

For this reason any proposal for sponsored analysis done through flea markets takes only some minutes and is not sent to all the editors, they are chosen editors randomly, as they explained from zync.

It would have to be literally glued to the email, if I have the luck that the gaming permitted me arriving markets the RSS by email, to be accepted in the majority of existing markets.

The low number of advertisers, markets and many editors or editors aware of them do that he is to reach the minimum payment ($50) in a long time, which in the long run is no longer profitable for the editor.

In our case, which I think is an average of drafters, we reached the minimum payment almost to the year of our first sponsored analysis, and that for the great help of the support of zync that provided us with the latest analysis directly.


On balance I think it is positive, being the disadvantages not so much a zync problem but a problem of the development of the advertising market in Spanish, which is still in a nascent stage.

The editors need serious companies that pay and comply with its policies, terms and conditions of use, and which have a good deal or support for publishers.

Zync believe to comply with what was said in the previous paragraph and would be a very good option to earn money on the internet, provided the market for advertising in Spanish was developed at least in the medium-sized form.

Have a wonderful day.

If our articles are of interest or help you can subscribe to receive them by email by clicking here on this link.Related articles: Posted in: Blogs, make money, online business, opinion, web pages, work Tags: analysis, how to earn money online, disadvantages, payment, sponsored, advantages, Zync

This entry was posted on Tuesday, March 8th, 2011 at 12: 00 pm and is filed under Blogs, make money, business online, opinion, web pages, work. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave to response, or trackback from your own site.

Business who listen to and consider the ideas of your customers

ideas de negocios rentablesEvery business depends largely on the demand of its customers, if we have a high demand then the business will be successful, profitable and prosperous and if we have little demand it is likely that we should do some settings.

Many times by being immersed in the business can not see some points that could improve it which are perfectly captured by our clients.

Is in those circumstances that the relationship between customer and business is very important; If there is a climate of friendship and confidence is posibel then obtain valuable customer data to help improve our business.

A way of doing this is through the direct involvement of our customers in the mailboxes of "suggestions" which are distributed in many businesses in public places them, waiting for what you want to say our customerswhether complaints, complaints, ideas, suggestions, etc.

But the world has changed and the physical mailboxes are being replaced by virtual mailboxes or web pages where any client can write on any topic, suggestion, complaint, complaint and also and primarily on ideas to improve our business.

These websites of our business should be centers of the type of forums, where topics are proposed and discussed by other members, being the most discussed and those treaties which we must focus our interest because they can not only lead to changes in the current manner of operating our business but also interesting proposals for future.

Relationship marketing or client-based administration is part of this type of proposal which we consider very important in the business; make customers feel important and part of the own business is a key pair fidelizarlos and improve them.

Have a wonderful day.

Related note: springwise

If our articles are of interest or help you can subscribe to receive them by email by clicking here on this link.Related articles: Posted in: Blogs, business, make money, Marketing and advertising, business profitable, Web Tags: clients, consider, of, listen, ideas, ideas of profitable businesses, the business, which, its, and

This entry was posted on Thursday, March 10th, 2011 at 9 pm and is filed under Blogs, business, make money, Marketing and advertising, business profitable, web pages. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave to response, or trackback from your own site.

miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2011

Find investors for your business. It is funding your project.

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We return to appoint the difficulty to get financing for a business project, although we talked about some sites where you can use to fund your online business idea. In this case we stop on new platform, which tries to bring together investors and entrepreneurs. The platform is called Volanda.com.

The idea of Volanda is really innovative, though to be starting it may have some gaps. In principle expected that several investors can participate in the financing of a business idea, but what not is clear to me is how will be the return of the investment or the particular benefit of the investor, because that refers to reward for the investor.

However, for the entrepreneur can be very useful.

The operation is simple. You register and post your project, which is will be joined by some "fans" (investors) will bring small amounts. While it may be difficult that a bank will grant a credit of € 10,000 to start your business, it may be easier to 100 small investors to contribute £ 100 each. If the "reward" him to convince the investor.... you don't have a problem.

Obviously, this platform needs to be a little more known so that more projects are exposed and is most striking to those small investors or people who want to participate in some projects offering a part of the necessary capital.

Now, entering into the web of Volanda you will see the projects that are waiting for funding. They tend to hang the 1,500-15,000€ and are very mixed, since finding financing to record a documentary, a short film to a scientific study or an establishment.

Even so, we would like to congratulate the creators of Volanda, initiatives of this kind are those needed in Spain to promote business growth and development of entrepreneurship.


How to sell your business idea to a possible investor. The search for financing.

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We continue with the biggest problem that has an entrepreneur to take forward its idea of business: finding funding for the development of the project. On other occasions we have talked about that much of the problem is in the business, which may not be professional or detailed plan.

Now, you can have thought the business of the century, that if you don't sell your idea so that the investor will sound attractive, you don't really have anything. Works in the same way if the investor that you go is a private, Bank, fund investment or company dedicated to investing in projects. Everyone wants to know the same, indeed, behind all those questions that will make you, only want to know an answer a specific question, which is: "how much will win, when cobraré and what risk I have at the time of investing in that project"

It is for this reason that in our blog I mezclé both themes such as that of entrepreneurs and investors, as I believe that both to invest, you must have entrepreneurial skills and to undertake you should know about investments. In the latter case, it is clear that if you careces financial education, it would at least be advisable to let yourself advise by anyone specialized.

Once you think both as an entrepreneur and investor, you know in advance when you are looking for funding for your business idea, there is no guarantee that everything will go smoothly. You know, the investor knows. In this picture of distrust is when you use your business skills, still the best strategy above all other... lto sincerity.

The investor really what he wants to hear, although you sounds like a crazy, is that nor you know if your business idea will have success or not, but that you esforzarás to get it. These words would supposedly cause fear to the vast majority of investors, but the reality is that they show good sense, and there are still people who prefer invertir in a sensible individual and not a "seller of smoke". That the investor knows that you are also going to risk the idea part of your capital, helps to build trust.

The investor will want to know what people are involved in the project, number of members, number of investors and of course, the history of each one of them. That's why that you surround yourself with the right partners. (How to choose a partner for your business).

The investor will want to know when it will recover its investment, of how pay you and how much will be gained at the end of the deadline. It is so that you will beforehand have done the correct numbers to demonstrate the viability of your business and if such return is possible to take it to pay the interests (where exist) of the investment. A way to give confidence and involve in your project is part of your company's stock.

If at any time you want to distribute among your investors, believe that it does not lack that will tell you that you always maintain a minimum 51% on your power.

I am sure you will find 100,000 tips and techniques on How to sell your business idea to an investor, but believe me if I tell you that at the end it ends by investing in the person and not in the project, so have to convince investors that you are a person in which it is worthwhile to invest. You are ambitious, honest, sincere, hard-working and you can provide an experience and knowledge in an area unknown to the investor. If that person sees this type of qualities, you've won 70% of your trust. The rest will make your presentation of the business plan.

Remind investors that no one can guarantee 100% success of an idea.

However, always think about what you would like to listen to tí as an investor to invest in a business, in which you know in advance that you run a risk.

In summary:

Get ready answers to questions that you know that you will make.Prepare a professional and comprehensive business plan, although simple and detailed.Be sincere, today and seen, honesty is appreciated.Surround yourself professionals and people valid to show confidence.Put yourself in the place of the investor. This will make you change the "speech" If you do not get after several meetings with investors andncontrar financing for your business idea, ever give, the more profitable companies that exist today were those that in the beginning nobody bet nor a euro for them.Tweet

Presumed guilty. Censored or not Mexico, Internet wins the battle.

Tweet sharing . That the Court of Mexico system has some gaps it is no secret, and that the police have a high percentage of corruption is not "discover America". Mexico is released with a hard documentary brought to the big screen, "Presumed guilty", where several journalists recorded all the appeal of a prosecution of an innocent boy. In this documentary you can see that Mexico is not needed a reason for going to jail, and in fact, anyone can enter. Only requires that several policemen you trapping and say that "you have been you". From the moment you enter prison, you're already guilty, because there is the "presumption of innocence" in Mexico, or at least held to practice.Well, while the film shows how justice, recorded in real time, a judge is opposed to its dissemination and wants to censor the film, which has led to the "Streisand effect". Not have been talked about censorship, this film had a great expectation in Mexico, but in other countries would have been a movie. Wanting to censor the film, has awakened the international situation of Mexico interest, when something you want to censor it is because it is going to tell the truth about something.Some Spanish pages have already spoken of the censored film and have put at the disposal of Internet users, which I do not see ethics for now, since it has not been censured it, and this film deserves due revenue from the big screen, that these journalists have literally risked their lives to publicize the situation of the judicial system.The bottom of the message is clear, and that in this digital age, no matter you're a judge or the Government itself. The more you strive in trying to cover up the truth, with more force be distributed. In one way or another, by hook or by crook, the truth crosses the ocean in a matter of minutes.So if you want to see this documentary where observers a few corrupt policemen, a trial of "schoolyard", an innocent face 20 years in prison and a dismal justice system, do not miss.And as a personal dedication to the judge who wants to censor the truth about a corrupt system, only wish you eventually have to invest some of their capital in medicine to alleviate the lack of awareness.Note: The film has been hung by a user on youtube, where only doing the search "presumed guilty" you will find available (for now)...Tweet