If you've navigated something secure Internet that you've encountered a few web pages generally quite long where you offer a product for sale.
They generally start with a video where show you the advantages of the products that you want to sell and then there are testimonies and a description of the characteristics of the product with more pictures or videos. This is a classic sales page or landing page (in English "landing page") which are very effective for the attention of visitors and treating them driving towards the purchase decision making.
Another common type of websites is that so-called page capture which are usually of a single screen, that is shorter and that are only aimed at visitors to leave your email in exchange for the possibility of downloading a free product. Once the internet entrepreneur has your email address may send you emails to try to sell you the product that is offering following email marketing strategies to make money.
If you want to earn money online selling products, definitely need to use any of the two pages above and why you wish to comment on two sites of first level that allow you to design this type of pages in a professional manner without its being necessary to know nothing of programming, and what is even better both companies they have designed their products on the basis of the WordPress software.
1. Unique Blog Design. This company are those who design blogs of some of the most popular bloggers in the world. Design of a blog services can cost about U.S. $ 3,000 but they have created three products standard for landing pages and pages of capture. Pricing starts at US $ 97 as well which is quite reasonable.
As I said it works with WordPress so the page is being created using this platform widgets that are moving with the mouse to our willingness to create unique custom-designed pages.
You can visit UniqueBlogDesign by clicking here on this link
2. Premise. This is a new product from one of the most popular blogs like CopyBlogger is. Works very similar to the earlier talked about using WordPress widgets functionality. The WordPress platform is used by both companies for being the most widespread in the world and the truth is that for me the best that exists to develop a blog.
In this case the pricing of Premise begins at U.S.$ 85 dollars and hence upload price according to the nature of the license purchased. It adds further differentiating item the possibility of assigning elements of optimization or SEO on pages that are created.
You can visit Premise by clicking here on this link
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