There are many people who have many desire to help those most in need but who do not necessarily know how to realize their ideas in the world.
Is for this reason that many times also those ideas end simply as wishes and not get to do the good that it could be, this is also one of the reasons why many associations non-profit purposes of social aid end up being closed; by the lack of financing or capital.
Is this the reason that any social project, Association, and in general any attempt to realize a social project must be constantly updating their knowledge of ways to finance their ideas because everything is changing.
For example in the case of social projects, those that are aimed to solve social problems, is there some web pages that help the best projects and that including finance to them up to their development and maturity.
This saw him in our previous article on "incubator for ideas of social projects" and now are going to develop a little more to give more ideas to people interested in this sector:
1 Bounce back: A community that connects people who survived a stroke with people who just have one.
2.-The Good Gym: A community that connects people who want to do exercises and at the same time help to elderly people.
3.-Small Change: an implementation of micropayments that keep track of your expenses and share a small portion of them with social causes.
4 Flip: an application that helps you to find work in social networks.
5 Homeless SMS: free SMS for homeless people to help find relevant services for them.
6 Simple CRB: an application that helps to obtain police records for interested in volunteering.
You can check them by clicking here on this link, for our part will analyze each one because we consider it important to learn more about these possibilities.
Have a wonderful day.
If our articles are of interest or help you can subscribe to receive them by email by clicking here on this link.Related articles: category: social development, motivation, web pages, social networks, technology, TrabajoEtiquetas: ideas for, social problems, solutions, webThis entry was posted on Tuesday, April 5th, 2011 at 3: 00 pm and is filed under social development, motivation, web pages, social networks, technology, work. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave to response, or trackback from your own site.
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