Having a blog can be a great way to earn extra money on the internet but requires patience and constancy (look at the results that I've been able to get on how to do a Blog and make money).
It is normal that one starts creating a blog as a means of expression and communication and in the process discovering that you can also make money online with the same.
To make this discovery, the blog also becomes a business idea that it is a safe, profitable investment and in a way to get extra money for our monthly budget. As any business idea, you can start experimenting on how I can more maximize my income following this business model based on the blog.
In my exploration on this business called "blog" I discovered that there are two General strategies that can be followed:
1. Create one or two blogs and concentrate all efforts there to earn money. This is the strategy that I'm not so much by choice but by thus realized things.
I basically concentrating my efforts on this blog called do business that sometimes exceeds 10,000 unique visits per day. My three-month Alexa ranking is 46,206 and Monday 4 April for example almost came to put me in the first 20 thousand websites around the world.
In order to achieve these levels of readership and ranking I basically try write 3 articles per day in order to thus be always on top in Google search engines. Some other blogs that I exceed visits and ranking write 4, 7 or up to 15 daily articles to get involved in your project to a whole group of people. This blog is a strictly personal project for me.
Like having a blog for me never has been the subject of how to make money with it, is that for me climb in the rankings is more a matter of a personal challenge. Also I will dedicate myself to this topic of blogs an average of two hours a day at most and no more because I devote myself to other more traditional professional activities (you can see my professional profile here in this link).
The risk of this strategy to concentrate on a single blog is very high if the blog starts to be your main source to make money. There are many risks on the internet and it may be that someone try to block your blog, put viruses or it may be that for some inexplicable reason Google will punish and traffic visits and thus lose the money you earn.
You focus on a blog, however, has many advantages as your traffic of visits will be very high and you can generate very long term, and with perseverance, a certain authority in the middle.
2. Make many blogs at the same time to earn money, creating 20 blogs or create up to 100 blogs. This is another strategy that I have recently discovered and which is totally valid if you want to dedicate to creating blogs as a professional way of making money already.
When I create click business, at the same time experimented with other blogs to them was gradually abandoned to concentrate my efforts primarily on click business. Other blogs that were on various topics were already generating money but distracting me in my goal to click business to the top of the rankings so I stopped simply update them.
Surprisingly I found has to update these blogs your visits traffic had a strong drop but that immediately followed his visits were kept in time despite not update it. The money they produce these blogs also fell but also, after the fall, keeping those revenues over time in a consistent way.
The income of those abandoned blogs vary. In some cases is U.S. $ 0.50 in others of U.S.$ 3.00 newspapers being differences caused not so much by the number of visits, but by the niche of the theme of the blog. With this in mind the strategy of having many blogs can be an even more profitable strategy and a more secure investment that concentrate on a single blog.
The theme would work in the following way:
2.1. Start with at least 9 blogs. If I date already write 3 articles per day, that means a week writing 21 daily articles. Instead of writing the 21 articles in a single blog, it repartiría the effort between 9 blogs throughout the week and thus in each of the 9 blogs would write at least 3 articles per week which would be published one day and day no.
2.2. Climb in the rankings now is not the objective but trying to make quick money by internet. Making the effort to maintain 3 articles per day but spread on 9 blogs, it is clear that my ranking in each of these blogs will not be very high as it will not be visits or the money to win with them. But coupled with the small income of each of these blogs at the end I can earn more money and diversifying my risk.
2.3. Only 8 months of effort to earn money in the form constant. Who will tell you that you can make money fast by creating a blog you is lying, so this strategy the you must maintain at least 8 months so that each of the 9 blogs have each of them at least 100 articles.
The number of published articles is very important to keep then your traffic from visits and revenue you earn also be something reasonable and above all constant.
With 100 articles per blog, depending on the niche of the theme of each blog could be gaining about 6 dollars a day on average that is a total of $ 54 per day or a total of U.S.$ 1,620 dollars per month.
Imagine that I am wrong in calculating and is half of income then you'd have about U.S. $ 800 a month for creating 9 blogs.
2.4. Repeat the process with 9 blogs more. Then achieve the goal to 8 months you leave abandoned those blogs and comenzarías again with 9 blogs more and have a total of 18 blogs but in 16 months could be gaining close to U.S. $ 3,000 a month, or if I believe in numbers perhaps half that.
2.5. Duplicate the effort or duplicate aid. Earlier calculations are estimates I whose results I you cannot guarantee. Calculations are estimates I've done based on my personal experience.
I have done the calculation taking into account that you can write 3 articles per day which is tiring of a truth, but not impossible. As I already said I will dedicate to do business 2 hours a day to write 3 articles per day which is an average of 1 article every 30 minutes which is more than enough.
If you you already become a professional blogger and want to spend 4 hours or more to your projects of blogs can perhaps write 6 daily articles and make the whole process before described much more quickly and also you can hire an Assistant.
2.6. Less authority with this system. It is clear that with this strategy of creating many blogs and go abandoning them or keeping them to a minimum, not going to win any kind of prestige or authority nor you will climb in the rankings. Your objective is to simply try to create a mechanism to make a safe time investment and to earn extra money on the internet.
The articles that you post will be in addition to low-quality by having to write on various topics at the same time but perhaps so much easier to write.
2.7. Risks of this system. The risk of this system is that the niche of the theme you choose is not adequate and revenues do not come to the daily $6 but perhaps $ 1 per day or 3 newspapers. In this regard, there are way to forestall this by correctly choosing the theme that is more profitable as explained it in the course how to do a Blog and make money.
There will always be, however the risk that a blog about a topic rather than the money that you expect.
2.8. What I do? I do not follow this system first that I have recently discovered but that it is also as I said my goal with click business other than simply making money and follow this system would mean that this blog no longer abandoned.
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