martes, 3 de mayo de 2011

Connect buyers and sellers of goods and agricultural services such as online business idea

ideas de negocios rentablesI have always said that one of the greatest advantages of the internet is the share information, i.e. the put within the reach of any person an amount of great information which usually was not access prior to the creation of the internet.

However this simple availability of information has been evolving and changing pace with changes in the way of interacting on the internet and one of the current trends is the share in social networking or community-based networks.

The next evolution from my point of view is the Division of social networks on specific community networks, i.e. those communities who have an interest in common or individual, and this course that it has already occurred and think that it will continue growing.

An example of this is farmbook, a specialized community contact buyers and sellers of goods and services farm around the world, although it has base at Russia.

To access Farmbook it is necessary to be registered to then be able to share information on goods and services needed or offered, as well as many specific communities that are based on trust among its members for which your access is restricted and they must meet certain requirements.

This community touches various topics related to agriculture for example; seeds, fungi, grains, staff, pets, fertilizers, equipment, tools, fuel, honey, milk, flour, birds, meat, vegetables, nuts, and many more.

While anyone can be part of this community to comply with the registration and requirements however its strong point is the exchange of goods and services so it is necessary to make the contacts between nearby towns.

It hardly would a trade in for example subscription between a farmer in Peru and one of Russia, because transport costs would make that the exchanged product is too high compared to its local price.

However there is a good that Yes is it could easily exchange at the international level and that it has no shipping or transportation costs, and that good is knowledge, which is very necessary in the case of this community.

If you are thinking about doing an online investment then perhaps build a community of this kind is a good business idea that you can repay not only in a cost-effective manner but also generate international prestige and other personal satisfaction, as for example to serve the community.

Have a wonderful day.

Related note: springwise

If our articles are of interest or help you can subscribe to receive them by email by clicking here on this link.Related articles: categories: business, make money, Ideas business profitable, business, online business, web sites, networks socialesEtiquetas: agricultural goods, such as buyers, connect, idea, business, online, services, vendors

This entry was posted on Thursday, April 14th, 2011 at 09: 00 and is filed under business, make money, Business Ideas, business online, profitable business, websites, social networks. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave to response, or trackback from your own site.

Studying to be a lawyer on the internet, the Online Law Schools the new trend of business

Being a lawyer is one career that in various rankings is among the best paid.

Usually to be lawyer was needed to go to a University and pursue a law degree but now new opportunities have emerged to be lawyer through the Online Law Schools that allow you to obtain a Law Degree Online and put in the English language given that this is a proposal that has emerged mainly in United States and in England.

One simply has to search the internet and you will soon find various schools of law on the Internet where one attends classes using the internet, after an average of between 3 to 5 years of studies on the internet one can obtain a degree in law or a law degree online.

As she is embarrassment the knowledge of English is vital.

After obtaining your Law Degree Online your can be enabled to be able to give your "test of the bar" or "bar examination" that allows you to exercise as a lawyer. This examination of the bar can give you in the State where the law school is accredited or the Online Law School where you study online and I have is why one of the most important things at the time of choosing which University Online are going to study is the facilities which will then give the State for exercise as a lawyer.

The online universities are an excellent choice for anyone who wants to migrate to the United States or England because that will be prepared from their own country before making the leap to go to a foreign country.

Warning: Pass the bar exam to be lawyer is not something easy and many fail to pass it despite having studied even in the best universities in United States.

A fitness center green, instead of burning calories produces energy, an ecological investment to earn money

The interest and the increasingly pressing need to take care of our planet has opened a number of business opportunities for entrepreneurs.

I would like to comment on them for example on a new chain of gyms that is a success in the United States just by giving your business idea that ecological or Green perspective.

This is The Green Microgym gyms chain that has given a totally ecological approach to doing exercises given that their gyms are equipped with machines that produce energy when one exercises. So instead of saying how many calories have "burned" to exercise I now you can tell how much energy I have produced.

But the concept of this new business idea does not remain in the fact that use these exercise machines that produce energy, but that has also created all a mystic, a philosophy of life around the ecological concept that allows gym members feel that they are part of an exclusive club of members.

Now The Green Microgym is also launching a strategy of expansion through the use of franchises in the United States so if you live in this country and want to be part of this new trend of business perhaps you can explore to invest money in this franchise.  The great advantage of this franchise concept is that small places are needed to implement your fitness under this ecological concept of creating energy.

See the following report from CNN to this business idea:

Imagen de previsualización de YouTube

You can visit The Green Microgym website by clicking here on this link

The size of an investment project market conditioning factors

tamaño proyectos inversiónIn our previous article we have seen the issue of the measurement of the size of an investment project and now continue with the theme of the design of the following investment projects:

The size of an investment project market conditioning factors are: the market, technology, the location, financing.

The market: determines us the quantity demanded, what volume can occur.

Methods for the optimization of the size of market: name some methods such as; Method of maximum utility, which depends on the economy of the size and the size of the project with growing demand, and the method for the determination of the critical mass technical.

Location: this aspect of pre investment aims to identify the site in which net income generated by the project are higher than in any other alternative site.

The location of the project refers to its location (macro i micro localization) in a site or physical specific place.

The location of a project is not the product of chance or conditions of preference, but that is based on comprehensive and technical analysis of the factors that influence it such as; legal factors, factors of production necessary to operate the production unit, etc.


If our articles are of interest or help you can subscribe to receive them by email by clicking here on this link.Related articles: categories: economy, financial education, business, make money, investment, investment tags projects: conditions, factors, investment, market, project, investment projects, size

This entry was posted on Sunday, May 1st, 2011 at 09: 00 and is filed under economy, financial education, business, make money, investment, investment projects. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave to response, or trackback from your own site.

Free graphics for the presentation of your business with LucidChart ideas

Create graphics type flowcharts is a complicated task to do with a program like Power Point that is very hard or very common that we do not mark the difference.

The flowcharts are often very important to transmit our idea of business and the Organization of our venture.

A very good program that can help them carry out this kind of graphics is LucidChart which has an interface in a very friendly way will help you create tables and charts. The program has a version free of charge but also has a paid version if we want to work the tables as a team and have more options.

Then watch a video presentation of this program:

Imagen de previsualización de YouTube

You can visit LucidChart by clicking here on this link

lunes, 2 de mayo de 2011

Sale of butterflies, an original and profitable business idea

ideas de negocios rentablesI believe that personally not is I would have been able to happen sell butterflies alive through a web page, because that I have no knowledge about their care perhaps people would not I imagined what would like to purchase live butterflies.

But on the website mariposeando are sold live butterflies for various occasions such as weddings for example, to request desires, to have them in the garden, birthday, events, graduations, etc.

The business then depends on good degree of imagination of the creator of the business idea and the presentation of the same; for example: do would not be a good idea buying a box of butterflies and drop them at the time in which the bride and groom say whether at your wedding?

Because I believe that if, and while perhaps not so he imagined, but the person or group of persons that did have already implemented and offer their products for various occasions, still I think a very original and possibilities of becoming very profitable idea.

Additionally they have provided its idea of business of the organic dye butterflies offered are butterflies monarchs, which can help to put them in danger of extinction because the idea is that they are always alive.

It is very likely that many times we have seen release doves in events various internationally, then perhaps we will just have to slightly change the vision and soon see also drop butterflies live in certain events, and also perhaps on TV.

Do you also able to create a so original and novel business idea as the here proposed?

Have a wonderful day.

Related note: springwise

If our articles are of interest or help you can subscribe to receive them by email by clicking here on this link.Related articles: categories: climate change, business, make money, Ideas of business, business online, business profitable, pages webEtiquetas: money, win, idea, butterflies, business, original, profitable, sales

This entry was posted on Thursday, April 30th, 2011 at 09: 00 and is filed under climate change, business, make money, business, online business Ideas business profitable, web pages. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave to response, or trackback from your own site.

New videos of incredible viral marketing of coke in various countries strategy

The soft drinks Coca Cola company is revolutionizing the marketing of the drink carried out a series of viral marketing campaigns that then summarizes in videos that are distributed over the internet.

The effect is astonishing given that viral marketing is carefully planned in a direct relationship with the public consumer that become the protagonists of these commercials broadcast via the internet for his own spontaneity using YouTube.

The videos are immediately replicated on various blogs and websites throughout the Internet causing the impact of marketing who wish to creatives of this gas drink thus becoming the best advertising investment. Then the new videos of this extraordinary campaign:

1. The reward friendship.

In this case Coke puts a soda vending machine but that it is so great to be able to buy the drunk one has to climb on the shoulders or with the help of another person. The message is that friendship award and the prize is that you can have two for the cost of a Coke.

The result is immediate and the vending or machines with this system end up being more profitable than the traditional.

Imagen de previsualización de YouTube

2. The wallet of happiness.

This is a much more risky campaign given that Coca-Cola is going to a crowded street of Peru and leave a wallet with money and the address of its owner. The idea is that the person who found the wallet is the home of its owner to return it.

Contrary to what one can think of 70 per cent of those returns the wallet with money and obviously they are rewarded with Coca-Cola giving a message of hope in the world.

Imagen de previsualización de YouTube

3. Cocacola in the University.

Then another video had already commented on the article excellent viral marketing campaign for Coca Cola in a University in this case is a machine for the sale of Coke that brings you happiness, given that what comes out is surprising.

Imagen de previsualización de YouTube

4. The truck of the happiness of Coke.

This had already it also in another article Coca-Cola launches his second campaign of viral marketing globally via Facebook: "the truck of happiness" and it is similar to the previous but now in a truck.

Imagen de previsualización de YouTube

Original designs of wedding parties as business ideas, a party that has music on 45 rpm

Marriages are one of the most important moments in the life of a person and where everyone wants to be something special and unforgettable.

Marriages are therefore a niche to make and develop business offering services or products for the bride and groom have that day everything they need to make it special and unique.

One of the crucial aspects of the celebration of the marriage is the marriage parties distributed to invite to the wedding or to participate in this celebration to all our acquaintances, friends and family. Designing an original marriage party thus constitutes a challenge for the creative and look for unique and original designs can be an excellent idea of business to make money.

Why is that I would like to inform you about this marriage party that truth is unique, a little complex but definitely nobody will forget her marriage if you send a double party as it designed by Karen and Mike with the help of his friend Kelli Anderson.

It's a part that mimics a disc of 45 rpm, made of pure role and playing a song by the same couple announcing his wedding. Watch the video with this super original double part:

Do you not think that a marriage party like this not sell like hot bread and you could make money with it? Now Karen and Mike and the designer of the party have become famous since its design in part has been subject of various reports in various media... definitely all will agree on their wedding.

You can visit the website of the designer of this original part by clicking here on this link

Journals or diaries customized by artists like idea of business

ideas de negocios rentablesThe use of calendars or diaries where take all kinds of notes or are scheduled daily activities, to help memory for entrepreneurs always occupied in their businesses or business is very common in the world of the business or businesses.

As usual is go to a bookstore and buy a newspaper or an annual agenda where carrying such notes or schedule our activities, but also there is the original option of buying an agenda or only newspaper customized by artists.

Such an idea of business is developing the Moleskine, which is a website specialized in newspapers or "legendary" agendas as reads the slogan of your web page.

The original of this proposal is that unique designs that anyone can buy, being very good designs because they are made by artists whose work can be followed by that site offer.

The techniques that are used to personalize the calendars or diaries are varied and I am sure that they can meet the needs and tastes of the most demanding customers, aided by an extensive gallery of works and designs.

Custom products are in good demand and the advantage of the case is that it is of products with unique designs prices are respected because there is practically competition on original designs.

Personally I have not seen even a business proposal, but for the Hispanic market idea so develop it and offer it according to our approach and idiosyncrasies could become a profitable business idea.

Do you dare to develop a business idea similar to the proposal?

Have a wonderful day.

Related note: springwise

If our articles are of interest or help you can subscribe to receive them by email by clicking here on this link.Related articles: category: business, make money, Ideas of business, profitable business, Web, work tags: agendas, artists, such as, diaries, idea, business, custom

This entry was posted on Wednesday, April 27th, 2011 at 10: 07 pm and is filed under business, make money, business, profitable business Ideas websites, work. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave to response, or trackback from your own site.

Pilsner Unique Bar, a franchise where the client is served beer at your convenience

ideas de negocios rentablesIn our previous article we wrote on a machine to make homemade beer in 7 days as a business idea and now publish a post related to the beer but this time under the franchise approach.

It's Pilsner Unique Bar, a franchise whose main attractive is that same customers can serve their own beer when they wish, to which beer dispensers are available in the tables in the bar.

To keep track of how much beer is consumed is available a screen as a "display" which indicates the amount of beer consumed.

This type of service is very good for the client because it no longer need to queue at the bar or wait for a waiter meets it, but may have fresh beer whenever you wish by simply using the dispenser.

However this franchise takes advantage not only as a core business of bar nights but that also runs during the day attending as coffee as well as restaurant then give way to the pub night bar.

Given that the client can make use of providers whenever they want this type of franchise much attracts customers to social gatherings such as birthday and others.

An interesting proposal of business focused this time as a franchise to invest, work and earn money.

Have a wonderful day.

Related note: springwise

If our articles are of interest or help you can subscribe to receive them by email by clicking here on this link.Related articles: category: business, make money, Ideas of business, investment, business profitable tags: Bar, beer, client, when, wish, wish, where franchise, Pilsner, serves, Unique

This entry was posted on Friday, April 29th, 2011 at 13: 00 and is filed under business, make money, business, investment, business profitable Ideas. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave to response, or trackback from your own site.

The Google Sandbox and how affect can earn money by creating a blog or launch an online business idea

The literal translation of Sandbox is "sand box".

In the computer world the word Sandbox is used to refer to a test environment of a new software where it is tested to see how to improve it without that cause no risk. The word must make a remembrance to the sandboxes which are used in the parks of games so that the youngest children play there without any risk that they beat or take damage if they fall.

Well Google is also what is called the "Google Sandbox".

The "Google Sandbox" according to Wikipedia itself consists of the following:

"Google Sandbox, a filter (anti-spam) special Google, applied for an indeterminate time, on the newly created web sites, have a good positioning in search, or to do that, directly, they do not appear in them."

For this reason if you want to start a new business and buy a new domain to do this, you will have to bear in mind that to be the brand new domain, Google will put it in your Sandbox and more efforts you make, your new domain with its content will not appear in the top of the results and therefore it will not have much traffic of visitors.

Taking into account the above, if you want to create a blog or a website to earn money quickly online you have to take a series of measures to overcome this fence of the Google Sandbox. Some that I recommend are the following:

1. Buy domain and let them "aging". It is not exactly the criteria used by Google to have a domain in the Google Sandbox or how long this kind of computer quarantine. What does it have clear is that Google aims to prevent it from creating domains to filter out low quality content or spam then the best you can do is buy the domains that you will use in your business project and leave them "aging".

In other words the idea is that you buy the domino, be asked to create a blog or website you want to proceed, you post a few articles of quality and then leave you there for a month or two months given that not worth make them efforts to these domains if it is going to be in the Google Sandbox.

2. If the project of business for your new domain consists of content takes to experience content. The preceding recommendation serves to internet business whose strategy is not based on the creation of content but if you want to create a blog and have content to then gain traffic, do not leave of undaunted by the Google Sandbox.

What you should do is to follow in the creation of content publishing as many articles as possible given that when remove you Sandbox Google your blog can be won fast money in the amount of articles that freed themselves in its search engine.

3. Buy domains used. On the internet there is a whole market of purchase sale of used domains and hence perhaps you can buy a domain that already has good time of created in that way overcoming Google Sandbox (I recommend you read the purchase and sale of domains an Idea of profitable business of millions of dollars).

The idea is that you buy used domains which are free of spam and that suspicion is enough to do a Google search. Evita also buy domains used with a good name because they are too expensive. You can usually get a good command of second hand cost you between $100 to 250.

Luck and not you discouraged by the Google Sandbox, if you are persistent in your strategy soon will see as it is to create a blog or a website can be a great way to earn extra money on the internet.

Game center focused on players with a disability

ideas de negocios rentablesI personally think that people who for various reasons have disabilities must enjoy the same services and products than those we are not presenting such disability.

In that context the companies and businesses that offer products and services to the community in general would do well to also develop versions of them adapted for this group of people, who often are unconsciously discriminated against.

One of the sectors where it has not worked much for example is entertainment, and more specifically still digital entertainment, with products not intended in this sector of the population.

In our previous article on an application that helps to better communicate to people who can not speak we wondered what people could roughly be one that has some discapcidad and in the related post we find answer to this question; the estimated population is 650 million.

It is a very large market size, and not only for business but also to be able to meet and at the same time receive compensation ranging more beyond the monetary aspect or profits.

So does SpecialEffect, a games centre focused on people with disabilities, which aims to put within the reach of this large group of people access to digital entertainment products and also to the development of products for this sector.

It's definitely a very large market that does not necessarily they can be a charitable or social perspective but also from a perspective of business with social responsibility, as with safety many of these people work and get profit or income as anyoneas you or I.

Focus on ideas business covering the population in general and also to sectors of the population with disabilities, but with the same rights is a good idea of not only profitable but also emotionally profitable business.

Have a wonderful day.

Related note: springwise

If our articles are of interest or help you can subscribe to receive them by email by clicking here on this link.Related articles: category: social development, business, make money, Ideas of business, profitable business, tecnologíaEtiquetas: any, Center, with disabilities, focused, games, players

This entry was posted on Thursday, March 31st, 2011 at 12: 00 pm and is filed under social development, business, make money, business, business profitable, technology Ideas. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave to response, or trackback from your own site.

Page Speed Online a new tool from Google for better speed of your blog or website and thereby increase your traffic from visitors

Google for a long time has incorporated the factor of the speed of a page Web site or blog within their search algorithm. The reason for this is very simple, the speed is very important for the users of the internet.

Personally if I open a web page and it takes to download and open up, I simply despair and many times I'm going to another side. This is something that happens to many.

Google playing that feeling, and in order to give a better service favors why faster website which will be in the best places in their search results. Out in the first places is crucial for a website or blog given that this will allow you to have more visits and thus more opportunities to earn money.

As part of the new policy which favors speed, Google has launched a new free service called Page Speed Online that gives you a score of speed of your website and gives you a series of recommendations to improve it.

In my case for example this blog click Business received a high score of 90 out of 100 which is quite well while another website that I have is received a score of 68 out of 100 (how much higher the score is much better). The difference between one and another website is due perhaps to that in use the Joomla CMS while that in HagaNegocios use WordPress.

Watch a video on how to use this tool:

Imagen de previsualización de YouTube

You can visit Page Speed Online and measure the performance of your website or blog by clicking here on this link

Art of photography for all over the internet as a profitable business idea

ideas de negocios rentablesArt is one of the most beautiful human activities and that love in its various variants, as for example in the case of photography, for which you need to have knowledge of this discipline and might also have skills in the same.

While most renowned has an artist his works are quoted at best price in the art market, so many times is that works of art by renowned artists are too expensive or have a very high price not suitable for all the pockets or wallets.

It is for this reason that many times the art or the access to the works of art has been elitizado, not being synonymous with interest in art, is not necessary to have lots of money to have legitimate and genuine interest in art or good taste for the good and beautiful works that they exist in the world.

To avoid this inconsistency and to bring all the public interested in the works of art is that Eye buy art has proposed offer works of art of photography on the internet at prices acequibles public ranging from US $25.

To achieve these prices which makes this company is resorting to young artists who consider that they have projection and potential but whose career is still during the take-off.

Everyone benefits with this interesting, original and innovative idea of business, the artist; that you can so disseminate, sell or offer their works over the internet to everyone and begin its take-off, the consuming public that now has good scope and original works of art and the business that puts in showcase these works of art as a virtual gallery with actual transactions.

A very good business idea worthy to follow or to improve for the Hispanic market in which the model is "win - win".

Have a wonderful day.

Related note: springwise

If our articles are of interest or help you can subscribe to receive them by email by clicking here on this link.Related articles: categories: business, make money, Ideas business profitable, business, online business, Web tags: art, and photography, idea, Internet, business, for profitable, all

This entry was posted on Wednesday, April 27th, 2011 at 4: 00 pm and is filed under business, make money, Business Ideas, business online, business profitable, web pages. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave to response, or trackback from your own site.

How to make a garden within a space reduced to plant your own spices and save money

There are a number of ingredients we use to cook that we might well sow in a small garden in our own homes or apartments.

Cultivate these ingredients will allow us to have the same fully frescoes but above all enable us to save money by no longer having to buy them.

Then I want to show how it is that could make a small garden using a pallet of wood to have a small garden on the wall of an apartment or House and making the most space. The wooden pallets are those platforms which are used in the storage and download and load goods or containers that one can be found even free when they are discarded by stores.

The idea is to cover the pallet put him against a wall and have our small garden there. Look at the following images:

ideas de negocios

ideas de negocios

ideas de negocios

ideas de negocios

Does not seem brilliant idea and very easy to do. Just a little investment of our time in order to have a nice garden and private live in an apartment with confined spaces or in a small house.

Instructions on how to do this garden can obtain you in LifeonTheBalcony where I have taken the images shown in this article. You can visit LifeonTheBalcony by clicking here on this link

Optimize blocks of adsense of your blog article page

optimizar adsenseIn our previous article we discussed the recommendations of google to optimize your blog home page and will now see an issue extremely closely, and I think much more important than the previous.

It's Optimizing adsense on the page of your blog article blocks and is much more important for the vast majority of visits from google to come to an article specific and not to the main page of your blog.

For example, if somebody would search say "Optimize adsense blocks" is likely to arrive directly to this article that we are writing and not to our main page, is why it is much more important to have optimized our blocks of adsense on our articles page.

Google recommends to optimize the blocks of adsense on the page of article of your blog according to the image of this post, if your design is like mine, that is; with the widgets in the right column and the content in the left column.

We already used it as well, however not had used to date of the recommendation to increase an adsense block in the right widget that seemed excessive or with much publicity, however it is a small block it is possible that it does not disturb the user and that it continue to have a good experience of navigation on the blog.

Let's try increasing that before the block, perhaps then Easter and analyze their results to see if actually improves or not inclusion for a final decision.

And if your also have a blog I recommend ignore these recommendations of google and try them for at least 1 week in order to assess results with some level of confidence.

If you have another design of your blog then you can see the other recommendations of google on "one click optimizer".

Have a wonderful day.

If our articles are of interest or help you can subscribe to receive them by email by clicking here on this link.Related articles: categories: Blogs, make money, Ideas of business, Marketing and advertising, business online, business profitable, web pages, SEOEtiquetas: Adsense, advertising, article, blog, blocks, optimizing, page, advertising

This entry was posted on Sunday, April 17th, 2011 at 09: 00 and is filed under Blogs, make money, Ideas of Marketing and advertising, business, business online, business profitable, web pages, SEO. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave to response, or trackback from your own site.

What is better? studying an MBA Online or studying a classroom MBA? ... the best MBA Degrees

If you are in the safe world of business that you've heard of the MBA are the abbreviation of Master Business Administration.

An Mba Program aims to your finish with a degree of MBA or an Mba Degree. These are programs that in business schools more reputable, as Harvard, lasting approximately two years or four semesters.

Now finally, however, a number of alternatives are emerging to study an MBA Online and get a MBA Degree following the program on the internet and I have is why there are a number of questions about which of the two options is the best. I think that the choice will depend much on what is to study an MBA and if we are in capacity to follow or not an MBA distance over the internet.

Below some considerations to take into account:

1. For what we want to study an MBA?. If we want to study an MBA exclusively to find out more about business there is no much difference to an Mba Online or a distance or do a classroom MBA. But if we are to the MBA to improve our curriculum vitae or resume, that we want to apply for a new job or work then the Presential MBA will be the most advisable as a traditional theme is given more weight than traditional MBA online.

2. If networking is very important to us face-to-face MBA should prefer to an MBA online. It happens that in a classroom not only MBA class we will learn business but that we also know people in the online programs is impossible to get to know in a similar manner. These people as our face-to-face class of MBA will then be potential opportunities to do business given that each of our classmates will work in various companies.

3. If we have no time or our schedules are complicated the Online MBA will be better. Many times every day prevents us from regularly attend a face-to-face class and in this case the Online MBA will be our only choice if we want to study an MBA.

4. Examine whether we can follow a course online. Apart from the previous considerations sometimes MBA Online is our only option for a budget issue given that the Online MBA are usually cheaper. But beyond the budget issue we must consider if we are going to have the discipline to follow a course on the internet and so the best advice is that you previously matricules in a course or virtual seminar is taught also in way online to see if you can adapt to this system of education.

domingo, 1 de mayo de 2011

Dinner in the street as a business idea

ideas de negocios rentablesIn our 2 previous articles we have discussed issues related to the business of food or restaurants, for example; events to taste dishes of 4 restaurants in 1 night meal, and also the meals in the field as a business idea.

In this post we will try another business idea also related to food or restaurant business but this time the idea that it is is that of dinners on the street or thoroughfare as a business idea.

This idea is being developed by Street Dinner in the province of Ferrara, Italy, and basically consists of offering the public a way to know the city in the form of culinary adventure, and at the same time enjoy a dinner in the street or thoroughfare in the tourist province.

At a cost determined, 60 euros according to the related note, is offered a dinner for 2, a map of the city and tickets for a snack and a dinner with 2 options to choose.

The first thing you do when a client hires this proposal is to point your mobile or cell phone number, in this way in the night indicated the client receives an SMS or text message which tells you the exact location where the snacks will be servedthen an hour before dinner receives another text message him indicating where will be serve dinner.

Even if the client prefers also is offered the possibility to choose a 3 or 4 star hotel where to spend the night after dinner in the street or thoroughfare.

This is a very good way of promoting non-formal tourism but of adventure in a certain place and is very focused on cities with a good flow of tourists, whether historical spots, artistic or others that attract tourists.

It is also a very good way of promoting the cuisine of the area where is carried out and provide the pleasant experience to enjoy appetizers and a gala dinner in a beautiful street of the city.

This idea of business is being developed by an agency of tourism, however can be emulated by any person or business or tourism, food by people with an entrepreneurial spirit in tourist cities.

Have a wonderful day.

Related note: springwise

If our articles are of interest or help you can subscribe to receive them by email by clicking here on this link.Related articles: categories: business, make money, business, Marketing and advertising, profitable business Ideas, Web tags: Street, dinners, as, idea, business

This entry was posted on Thursday, April 28th, 2011 at 4: 00 pm and is filed under business, make money, Ideas of business, Marketing and advertising, business profitable, web pages. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave to response, or trackback from your own site.

Today is my birthday and I want to give a gift

Hello, hope you're well.

I want to share with you that today is my birthday and it is that I want to give you something that allows me to celebrate and share with you this anniversary.

Is that it is unusual that who turns to gift something but once I got a similar email and seemed great idea given that it has a lot to do with a way of life which is summarized in the phrase: Give to receive.

The gift that I give you is that I have reduced the cost of the course how to do a Blog and make money at the amount of U.S.$ 35 (previously to U.S.$ 70) i.e. I have applied a reduction of 50% of the original value.

This discount will be valid only until the 15th of May 2011 so it's your decision as soon as possible.

You can know more about this course and that is by clicking here on this link.

I hope that this offer is of interest to you and now I leave you I'm going on the way home to they sing me the traditional happy birthday.

Painting your garage with the image of your choice as a business idea

ideas de negocios rentablesIn our previous article we have just seen the idea of paying the mortgage painting your home, business, and in this post we propose a similar idea, but this time is not just about earning or paint your House for mortgage payments.

The business idea is to paint your garage with the design of your choice for which the styleyourgarage company proposes a wide variety of designs and if one does not like yourself can bring your particular design and even earn money if your design taste and demand.

In this business idea not necessarily, although I do not rule out the idea, the garage of your House is painted to get money or income extra but on the contrary is made to change the usual monotonous and traditional garage for one to draw attention to all those who see him.

What they traditionally are in a garage? Then cars, isn't it?, however with this funny proposal you will find realistic and three-dimensional images that simulate the most varied and hilarious garage interior designs.

For example imagine that you asemejas contain an your garage a plane of war, a boat or a luxurious yacht, a gigantic animal, a beautiful colt's racing, and even an elephant.

Everything is possible in this fun and turn profitable business idea which can well be in our half and oriented to our reality and imagination.

Why not change the image of our boring and monotonous garages and make spend time pleasing all the people who look at our garage through curious, fun and witty designs.

I personally think that you can not only be a creative and innovative and at the same time funny but also profitable business idea.

He thinks that also this idea can be extended to doors and other parts of the House which are generally too traditional and boring. Although in the form personal I think that a very good idea would use these locations for strategic advertising and at the same time provide extra income home owners.

Have a wonderful day.

Related note: springwise

If our articles are of interest or help you can subscribe to receive them by email by clicking here on this link.Related articles: category: business, make money, Ideas of business, Marketing and advertising, business RentablesEtiquetas: as, with garage, idea, image, business, business opportunities, paint, preference

This entry was posted on Wednesday, April 13th, 2011 at 12: 00 pm and is filed under business, make money, business, Marketing and advertising, profitable business Ideas. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave to response, or trackback from your own site.

Transportation of furniture to arm oneself as a business idea

ideas de negocios rentablesA little reviewing new articles on business I concentrated on one proposed from the design of kitchens to transport necessary for these kitchens already designed to sites or towns where there were no stores parent that offer kitchens designed by yourself.

In reality the vision of the entrepreneur was the offer a services and products that do not exist in certain places, charging course a Commission for such work, from design, transportation to installation and finishing of products.

The same idea of business can be a good and profitable idea in the countries in the process of development are still entering the process of expansion of the chain stores by departments or giant shopping centers or malls.

What happens in many small and medium-sized cities in developing countries is that such malls still do not have presence in small and medium-sized cities so that the markets in these places are dominated by business and large enterprises at the local level.

But these companies and businesses often simply duplicate the preserves of certain products in the malls logically costing half.

It is true that transport costs do that costs will rise, but such an increase should be reasonable and not be focused on products or economic power monopoly.

To break this problem it is possible to offer a business or a service of purchase and transport of products or furniture of the type "do it yourself" with manuals for your Assembly.

The great advantage to this specific market is that you can get discounts for volume transport and therefore compete with businesses and local companies that do not focus on a single product.

This idea can be done not only furniture but any product that you detectes has too much price difference not supported a transport and a reasonable profit.

Have a wonderful day.

If our articles are of interest or help you can subscribe to receive them by email by clicking here on this link.Related articles: category: business, make money, Ideas of business, investment, business profitable, work tags: arm, such as idea, same, furniture, business, for transport, one

This entry was posted on Tuesday, April 26th, 2011 at 3: 00 pm and is filed under business, make money, Ideas of business, investment, business profitable, work. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave to response, or trackback from your own site.

Cisco launches an innovative proposal for the business of medicine, the Doctor Virtual

Cisco is one of the largest companies in the telecommunications industry that has penetrated heavily on developing applications based on the use of the internet.

As part of this development Cisco has just launched the concept of the Virtual Doctor that will involve a full revolution in the business of the practice of medicine.

This is equipment that allow that a doctor can diagnose a patient despite the distance. Thus the doctor can have his clinic in New York and can diagnose patients who are in Madrid, Barcelona, Bogotá, Lima and Tegucigalpa allowing thus expand their business opportunities maximizing the investment of their time and the market which can be accessed.

Equipment specially designed for Cisco for this purpose they do is allow to hold a conference call where the physician can see the patient in another place, assisted by a nurse who will continue to medical procedures specified by your doctor for the teleconferencing system.

But in addition, Cisco equipment are not limited only to this system of communication, but that also allow the tests done to the patient in remotely to reach the place where the doctor through a special telecommunication system to allow the doctor have a full idea of the medical condition of its patient.

The impact of this new technology from Cisco given that a doctor will be thus expanded its market of attention of potential customers through the installation of low-budget satellite clinics to meet patients using Cisco technology is embarrassment. This technology can also be used in emergency situations through the installation of this equipment in ambulances to enable doctors to make an early diagnosis of the patient in medical emergency.

Watch a video of the application of this technology from Cisco:

Imagen de previsualización de YouTube

Cisco is developing a series of technologies specifically designed for the medical industry and has even created a new concept of the hospital or clinic in the future. Look at this second video on this Hospital of the future:

Imagen de previsualización de YouTube

domingo, 17 de abril de 2011

CrossLoop free tool to give support to your customers sharing what appears on your computer or computer

There are many business ideas that are safe and profitable investments thanks to the advantages of the internet that open us new frontiers and ways to earn money now via online.

One of the conditions that sometimes is basic to make money online is to achieve communication with our clients to give them necessary to support our products or services that we sell may need.

A way of providing this support is, for example, if we can share what we are seeing in our computer or computer screens. So if we sell a software over the internet or if we sell a service on how to create a blog to make money, we may share the screens of our computers to be able to guide the user or customer in all and each of the steps that must be followed for the installation of the software.

A totally free service that allows this installation is that CrossLoop offers you.

With CrossLoop you can share what your client is seeing on your computer for this guide you and give you the support required. Access is a totally safe way through a unique access code that is communicated to the customer by telephone. Watch the video of how the access:

Imagen de previsualización de YouTube

CrossLoop has also other systems paid for even access directly to the other computer remotely if it is necessary to give a technical stand in greater depth. The service is not so expensive given that it costs approximately U.S.$ 39.50 per year but I recommend at least first try the free service.

You can visit CrossLoop by clicking here on this link

Agricultural production with delivery by bicycle as clean transport

transporte de productos agrícolasIn our previous article on urban farms in schools for a production of food eco sustainable we saw the practical part or real of urban fresh organic food production, but all production needs to be transported to their final destination.

Although the shape traditional of sale to the final consumer is carried out through local markets however a better idea to have more fresh food home and directly from the producer of them is through home delivery.

But better if such a delivery includes a transport clean, i.e. completely friendly with the environment as the bicycle.

That's the idea proposed by Veloveggies who offer food delivery service agricultural frescoes for being of the same production area.

Star your product for home delivery or "delivery" is called vegboxes and is made up of a selection of agricultural products fresh from the same locality of production, carefully packaged in cardboard boxes and by bicycle to your own home.

But not only that but they also offer the service of collection of organic waste with which compost is preparing for the next crop.

If is it also participates in this service then closes the cycle and the participants themselves, final buyers of food can even be benefited with a proportional amount of final compost according to the quantity delivered by the same.

Ideas of this type completely friendly with the environment is needed in the cities to raise awareness of the need for effective and educational changes that respect the environment and at the same time are profitable business ideas.

Businesses do not have to be necessarily unrelated to the care of the environment, but on the other hand while more important take on the importance of such a variable then will the business be more sustainable over time.

This environment variable can also be a point in extra favour in any business or company to be taken into account to a more healthy and effective competition in any area or business sector.

Have a wonderful day.

Related note: springwise

If our articles are of interest or help you can subscribe to receive them by email by clicking here on this link.Related articles: categories: climate change, social development, economy, business, business, business RentablesEtiquetas Ideas: agricultural, bicycle, such as home, delivery, clean, production, transportation

This entry was posted on Friday, April 15th, 2011 at 12: 00 pm and is filed under climate change, social development, economy, business, business, profitable business Ideas. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave to response, or trackback from your own site.

Connect buyers and sellers of fresh food as a business idea

ideas de negociosIn today's first article we wrote about a community that serves to connect buyers and sellers of goods and agricultural services such as idea business and now bring a new proposal closely related but even more specialized than the first.

It's Local Dirt, a specialized community in connecting buyers and sellers of fresh food through internet or online.

As we already said in the previous article above mentioned specialisation in online communities is a good business idea that you can afford to not only make money or obtain income but also recognition and personal satisfaction for the services offered to the community.

In this case it is a highly specialized community which connect to interested in fresh food, which may well be individuals and also business and companies, with the producers that can also be individuals or businesses and enterprises.

The process is simple, the interested sellers or producers are part of that community or web page and offer their products to the public in general.

Stakeholders or buyers or consumers must also register and then review the offers of fresh food of interest, whether by location, price, quality, etc.

When a buyer is interested in an offer generates a purchase order with a single click, which is sent to the email to make subsequent payment.

In this way are put in contact small and large producers along with small and large buyers, being a relationship in which all benefit in different ways.

But how is that the creators or managers of this community can make money? There are annual subscriptions in order to provide fresh food on a large scale or the wholesale.

Again this is a business idea in the form of specialized community that is available to the market in the English language of USA, you can however well serve as a model for the creation of an idea similar or inspired by the earlier for the Spanish language.

Do not forget that the information shared in these communities is also very important and that however according to the analysis of this type of sites still not is being tapped to its full potential.

Have a wonderful day.

Related note: springwise

If our articles are of interest or help you can subscribe to receive them by email by clicking here on this link.Related articles: categories: business, make money, Ideas business profitable, business, online business, web sites, networks socialesEtiquetas: food, such as buyers, connect, frescoes, idea, business, vendors

This entry was posted on Thursday, April 14th, 2011 at 3: 00 pm and is filed under business, make money, Business Ideas, business online, profitable business, websites, social networks. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave to response, or trackback from your own site.

Google vs yahoo, success and failure information availability

google yahoo

Sailing on news on yahoo I saw one that caught my attention about a video that Zidane falls when he was making a visit to some children, then I clicked on the respective link to appreciate it.

The curious case is that I could not see the video from yahoo that I left the following message "This video is not avalilable in your location", do WTF? (remember that WTF has already been approved for the dictionary).

Of course I went to youtube and I could see the above video, and if no bad memory never had a problem of geographical YouTube discrimination while Yahoo is not the first time something happens to me as well.

This would be valid if it were videos with copyright where the author expressed tacitly that this video is available only for certain geographical areas, but in this case and in many others, is public videos, without copyright.

While you do not consider all of your users as equals, while you do feel that discrimination is part of certain policies of your company and not values your users alike it is very likely that Miss many users.

If there is not a valid reason to discriminate (and thus should be expressed clearly in place) in your business or company then you never discrimines and it is likely that you have all your users happy.

This, and many other more surely, is one of the reasons for which google is an arrangement on the internet while yahoo is perhaps soon to disappear.

Have a wonderful day.

If our articles are of interest or help you can subscribe to receive them by email by clicking here on this link.Related articles: category: business, Marketing and advertising, business online, opinion, pages webEtiquetas: availability, success, failure, google, information, vs, yahoo

This entry was posted on Friday, April 1st, 2011 at 12: 00 pm and is filed under business, Marketing and advertising, business online, opinion, web pages. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave to response, or trackback from your own site.

A community for breeders of hens and producers of eggs

ideas de negocios rentablesIn several places on the internet I have read that the business of laying hens is a good business or a profitable business, I do not know from my own experience that I did this business to small, medium or large scale, although many years ago I bought some few chickens, I think that 5, and I took them not as business but if, as a source of daily eggs for home.

Perhaps you already are in this business you have relationship with it, or perhaps you are simply fond of the consumption of fresh eggs could also be consumer or merchant whatever the case there is a specific community for the purpose, although in the English language.

It's Eggzy, a community for breeders of hens and producers of eggs that helps its members to manage their production, control and save your expenses, calculate and project costs, promote his farm and finally provide his friends and neighbors.

In our previous article on connecting buyers and sellers of goods and agricultural services already mentioned that the role of internet in the creation of new and specialized communities is very important for the growth of these and mainly for the dissemination of information.

As you can see these communities they help not only to training, administration and management of the activities of its members but that also help to get customers for the sale of their products.

This is a very good community also and in a very peculiar way offer services, paragraphs mentioned above, which are normally made through consultancies, but that can be done in this case in automatically and computerized.

As you can see, the idea of creation of communities is once again a very good idea that benefits to all those who made up, and the idea is that communities are specific to an activity to have highly specialized members.

For example the Community referred to in this post is aimed at USA so it would not be bad idea of a local community or other specialized but in Spanish language training.

It can also model or inspiration for the formation of communities in the most various fields of human activity.

Have a wonderful day.

Related note: springwise

If our articles are of interest or help you can subscribe to receive them by email by clicking here on this link.Related articles: categories: Blogs, business, make money, Ideas of business, investment, business online, profitable business, websites, networks socialesEtiquetas: farmers, chickens, eggs, laying hens, producers

This entry was posted on Thursday, April 14th, 2011 at 12: 00 pm and is filed under Blogs, business, make money, Ideas of business, investment, business online, profitable business, websites, social networks. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave to response, or trackback from your own site.

Eggzy a virtual community for those who want to earn money with the hens and eggs and eat healthy

Concern for healthy food is increasing and is for that reason that it is now heard most frequently on organic foods which have been produced according to organic standards.

Emerging as a new range of opportunities to do business on the basis of this new trend of the market for organic products.

I want to tell them for example on a new virtual community that solely revolves around raising chickens and household production of eggs for our own consumption. The community is called Eggzy.

The idea of Eggzy is to create a series of tools and support so that anyone can have a profitable business at home of raising chickens and egg production. Help can be found and to analyze the costs of production, manage the business project of breeding of chickens among other things.

The idea behind Eggzy is that you can create a profitable business that allows you to earn money by raising chickens in the yard of your House. The eggs yourself produzcas will be those who eat and those that negociarás with your neighbors to earn extra money. Eggzy is therefore a very suggestive slogan: No commas eggs of strangers.

Eggzy is located in the English language and is intended for the market of the United States, but can give you guidance that can help you to develop the business of raising chickens in your area. In addition, if you are an entrepreneur, Eggzy maybe you can give inspiration to create a similar business idea in your country.

You can visit Eggzy by clicking here on this link

domingo, 10 de abril de 2011

Simple CRB, Ideas of technological solutions for social problems

ideas de negocios rentablesWe continue with the development of the sixth and last case of the proposed winners of the competition mentioned in the post ideas for web solutions to social problems, in this article we will see the case of Simple CRB,

Simple CRB is the obtaining of a criminal or criminal history of a simple and fast way, being particularly focused on the sectro of volunteerism and public sector.

In many countries, including England which is the origin of this proposal, obtaining criminal records takes too long, which could well be earmarked for volunteer work, but often is on the other hand the lock.

Many people want to help, to do a voluntary work they want, but it is necessary to do the same such persons to submit within your resume a clean criminal or criminal antecendetes certificate allowing them to work as volunteers.

If the certification delayed too much tempo many times these people simply not already applying for voluntary work which wish or leave their applications by the inefficiency of the system.

This is also a problem of world order, not only in England, and personally I have seen that it is thus also in the Spanish-speaking countries given that I have worked for several years in very closely with volunteers.

One of the ways to avoid this incomprehensible delay is volunteering jumping this requirement, many do so, however for partnerships which take volunteers is a great risk that is best avoided.

Simple CRB proposes a solution for this bottle neck which prevents or slows the volunteer through a much faster system and efficient work of obtaining of the background.

An ingenious idea of solution of a problem affecting the voluntary sector and the sector of social development which you could also propose in your country or locality.

Have a wonderful day.

If our articles are of interest or help you can subscribe to receive them by email by clicking here on this link.Related articles: categories: applications, Blogs, social development, motivation, pages web, tecnologíaEtiquetas: CRB, ideas for Simple, social problems, solutions, technology

This entry was posted on Friday, April 8th, 2011 at 12: 00 pm and is filed under applications, Blogs, social development, motivation, Web, technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave to response, or trackback from your own site.

Discounts of 5% and 10% on purchase of Hosting and domains in only for the readers of business click

Alocate.NET sells a range of products such as hosting and domains that will allow you to have your website or your blog at very competitive prices.

As I am a reseller of the services that are sold in I managed to get a special discount of 5% and 10% on the purchase of the products that there will find exclusively for the readers of business click.

These discounts are available only until 31 May 2011 so if you want to use them will be a matter to take action as soon as possible and so the only thing you have to do is to enter codes that I give below at the time of paying for goods in the shopping cart.

Coupons are the following:

Watch a video that shows you how to use these coupons in, then:

Imagen de previsualización de YouTube

You can visit by clicking here on this link

Some strategies to create a blog and earn money extra already... then create a blog or multiple blogs?

Having a blog can be a great way to earn extra money on the internet but requires patience and constancy (look at the results that I've been able to get on how to do a Blog and make money).

It is normal that one starts creating a blog as a means of expression and communication and in the process discovering that you can also make money online with the same.

To make this discovery, the blog also becomes a business idea that it is a safe, profitable investment and in a way to get extra money for our monthly budget. As any business idea, you can start experimenting on how I can more maximize my income following this business model based on the blog.

In my exploration on this business called "blog" I discovered that there are two General strategies that can be followed:

1. Create one or two blogs and concentrate all efforts there to earn money. This is the strategy that I'm not so much by choice but by thus realized things.

I basically concentrating my efforts on this blog called do business that sometimes exceeds 10,000 unique visits per day. My three-month Alexa ranking is 46,206 and Monday 4 April for example almost came to put me in the first 20 thousand websites around the world.

In order to achieve these levels of readership and ranking I basically try write 3 articles per day in order to thus be always on top in Google search engines. Some other blogs that I exceed visits and ranking write 4, 7 or up to 15 daily articles to get involved in your project to a whole group of people. This blog is a strictly personal project for me.

Like having a blog for me never has been the subject of how to make money with it, is that for me climb in the rankings is more a matter of a personal challenge. Also I will dedicate myself to this topic of blogs an average of two hours a day at most and no more because I devote myself to other more traditional professional activities (you can see my professional profile here in this link).

The risk of this strategy to concentrate on a single blog is very high if the blog starts to be your main source to make money. There are many risks on the internet and it may be that someone try to block your blog, put viruses or it may be that for some inexplicable reason Google will punish and traffic visits and thus lose the money you earn.

You focus on a blog, however, has many advantages as your traffic of visits will be very high and you can generate very long term, and with perseverance, a certain authority in the middle.

2. Make many blogs at the same time to earn money, creating 20 blogs or create up to 100 blogs. This is another strategy that I have recently discovered and which is totally valid if you want to dedicate to creating blogs as a professional way of making money already.

When I create click business, at the same time experimented with other blogs to them was gradually abandoned to concentrate my efforts primarily on click business. Other blogs that were on various topics were already generating money but distracting me in my goal to click business to the top of the rankings so I stopped simply update them.

Surprisingly I found has to update these blogs your visits traffic had a strong drop but that immediately followed his visits were kept in time despite not update it. The money they produce these blogs also fell but also, after the fall, keeping those revenues over time in a consistent way.

The income of those abandoned blogs vary. In some cases is U.S. $ 0.50 in others of U.S.$ 3.00 newspapers being differences caused not so much by the number of visits, but by the niche of the theme of the blog. With this in mind the strategy of having many blogs can be an even more profitable strategy and a more secure investment that concentrate on a single blog.

The theme would work in the following way:

2.1. Start with at least 9 blogs. If I date already write 3 articles per day, that means a week writing 21 daily articles. Instead of writing the 21 articles in a single blog, it repartiría the effort between 9 blogs throughout the week and thus in each of the 9 blogs would write at least 3 articles per week which would be published one day and day no.

2.2. Climb in the rankings now is not the objective but trying to make quick money by internet. Making the effort to maintain 3 articles per day but spread on 9 blogs, it is clear that my ranking in each of these blogs will not be very high as it will not be visits or the money to win with them. But coupled with the small income of each of these blogs at the end I can earn more money and diversifying my risk.

2.3. Only 8 months of effort to earn money in the form constant. Who will tell you that you can make money fast by creating a blog you is lying, so this strategy the you must maintain at least 8 months so that each of the 9 blogs have each of them at least 100 articles.

The number of published articles is very important to keep then your traffic from visits and revenue you earn also be something reasonable and above all constant.

With 100 articles per blog, depending on the niche of the theme of each blog could be gaining about 6 dollars a day on average that is a total of $ 54 per day or a total of U.S.$ 1,620 dollars per month.

Imagine that I am wrong in calculating and is half of income then you'd have about U.S. $ 800 a month for creating 9 blogs.

2.4. Repeat the process with 9 blogs more. Then achieve the goal to 8 months you leave abandoned those blogs and comenzarías again with 9 blogs more and have a total of 18 blogs but in 16 months could be gaining close to U.S. $ 3,000 a month, or if I believe in numbers perhaps half that.

2.5. Duplicate the effort or duplicate aid. Earlier calculations are estimates I whose results I you cannot guarantee. Calculations are estimates I've done based on my personal experience.

I have done the calculation taking into account that you can write 3 articles per day which is tiring of a truth, but not impossible. As I already said I will dedicate to do business 2 hours a day to write 3 articles per day which is an average of 1 article every 30 minutes which is more than enough.

If you you already become a professional blogger and want to spend 4 hours or more to your projects of blogs can perhaps write 6 daily articles and make the whole process before described much more quickly and also you can hire an Assistant.

2.6. Less authority with this system. It is clear that with this strategy of creating many blogs and go abandoning them or keeping them to a minimum, not going to win any kind of prestige or authority nor you will climb in the rankings. Your objective is to simply try to create a mechanism to make a safe time investment and to earn extra money on the internet.

The articles that you post will be in addition to low-quality by having to write on various topics at the same time but perhaps so much easier to write.

2.7. Risks of this system. The risk of this system is that the niche of the theme you choose is not adequate and revenues do not come to the daily $6 but perhaps $ 1 per day or 3 newspapers. In this regard, there are way to forestall this by correctly choosing the theme that is more profitable as explained it in the course how to do a Blog and make money.

There will always be, however the risk that a blog about a topic rather than the money that you expect.

2.8. What I do? I do not follow this system first that I have recently discovered but that it is also as I said my goal with click business other than simply making money and follow this system would mean that this blog no longer abandoned.

sábado, 9 de abril de 2011

Less sleep to have more time to make money and do business, the method of Tim Ferriss

When you're an entrepreneur time always is short and you want to continue working hours and the only way to do so is sleeping less.

Less, sleep is a special of entrepreneurs or entrepreneurs feature since if they are not working in their business projects they are doing by creating social relations which will then become opportunities to earn money.

They are emerging even methods precisely aimed at entrepreneurs or people who believe that sleep is a waste of time. These methods are intended to control the hours of sleep at least healthy as possible and that you do not feel tired during the day by having not slept.

Tim Ferriss, who is the famous author of the book "La labor de las 4 hour" (The 4-Hour Workweek) has just launched a book called The 4-Hour Body where he teaches a number of techniques to keep your body fully fit and healthy and fair as part of this teaches you as sleep what is strictly necessary so you have more hours to work in your business idea or learn other things or even to have fun and be fully productive.

In this book The 4-Hour Body even teaches you in addition to how lose weight, learn how to run a marathon and even how to have a full life in privacy. The truth is that it is quite ambitious in its contents. Watch the following video promoting the book:

Imagen de previsualización de YouTube

And you what they believe... sleep less to do more business and work in our investment worth it?

The book The 4-Hour Body is for now available only in English language and what you can buy at Amazon that it sent them in physical or electronic version to be read on Kindle or directly on your computer. Access to buy it from Amazon by clicking here on this link: The 4-Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman

The other book of Tim Ferriss The 4-Hour Workweek or the labour of the 4 hour Yes is in the Spanish language and also you can buy at Amazon by clicking here on this link: the 4-hour workweek / The 4-Hour Workweek (Spanish Edition)

Flip, Ideas of technological solutions for social problems

ideas de negocios rentablesWe continue with the development of the fourth case of the proposals mentioned in the post contest winners ideas of web solutions to social problems, in this article we are going to see the case of Flip.

Flip, in short, is an application or an online tool or online to help you find work on social networks.

This tools is focused or directed to the sector of the young people who often do not have a formal resume but that mcuh times have the talents and skills that are not necessarily known.

In this way is used the power of social networks, conversations, and recommendations from person to person based on the contacts in the search for opportunities to work, education or training.

I personally know many young people who have innate skills for certain topics that normally are not specified in a curriculum vitae, but which are very necessary in certain business or businesses.

In this way seeks to connect people, business or businesses that require certain skills with those young people that has them but who are without work.

A very interesting way of supporting the youth sector and that it helps to menorar the socio-economic of that specific population level.

Have a wonderful day.

If our articles are of interest or help you can subscribe to receive them by email by clicking here on this link.Related articles: categories: applications, Blogs, social development, business, motivation, web pages, social networks, technology, TrabajoEtiquetas: causes, employment, Flip, ideas, young people, to social problems, solutions, technology, work

This entry was posted on Thursday, April 7th, 2011 at 15: 01 and is filed under applications, Blogs, social development, business, motivation, web pages, social networks, technology, work. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave to response, or trackback from your own site.

The Good Gym, ideas of technological solutions for social problems

ideas de negocios rentablesWe continue with the development of proposed the above-mentioned contest winners in the post ideas for web solutions to social problems, in this article we are going to see the casode The Good Gym, that translated into the Spanish would be something like as good gym.

It's an online community that connects people who want to do exercises and at the same time help to who need in their community.

The premise is that the gimnasion are usually a waste of energy, while it is true that they are normally used to staying in good physical condition but the energy spent in gyms or released are not used or exploited for the community.

Thus arises the proposal of physical exercise at the same time helping the community, for which any person or institution that needs help communicates with The Good Gym and specifies the details that need help.

The Good Gym after evaluating the proposal to spear their community waiting for interested people who register for this task through a group that fulfills this purpose.

For example if a local community of elderly people need to make a shipment of furniture then is called The Good Gym, then launches the proposal via the internet and is expected to form a group of interested in making such a task.

Forms and aid needs are many, however all have the same ingredient: the use of physical exercise on different tasks and at the same time support for any need, cause or issue of the community.

Very interesting way of using the technology of the internet to form a community that not only benefits through physical exercise, but at the same time benefiting the community needed help.

Have a wonderful day.

If our articles are of interest or help you can subscribe to receive them by email by clicking here on this link.Related articles: categories: applications, Blogs, social development, pages web, tecnologíaEtiquetas: Good, Gym, ideas for social problems, solutions, technology, The

This entry was posted on Wednesday, April 6th, 2011 at 15: 00 and is filed under applications, Blogs, social development, Web, technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave to response, or trackback from your own site.

Incubator for ideas of social projects

desarrollo socialIn an article that we wrote yesterday we proposed an incubator of ideas of business for the health sector, now in this post we propose something similar but led to ideas of social projects.

It's an incubator for ideas of social projects, sponsored website Bethnal Green Ventures, which are received ideas in social projects and address the esfguerzos of specialized people to try to realize the ideas selected for the program.

As well as an incubator cares takes care of small beings that have potential life or birth in the same way this incubator of ideas of social projects and offers help to those ideas with potential.

There is a new call, which you can check the following link; Call for 2011, which is to say that the first call already served its cilco and they chose and they incubated 6 ideas for social projects, which we will develop more extensively in other articles because of the importance that we have, but whose titles are as follows:

1 Bounce back.

2.-The Good Gym.

3.-Small Change.

4 Flip.

5 Homeless SMS:.

6 Simple CRB.

You can check them by clicking here on this link to give you an idea of how to propose your idea of social project, taking into account that they are the winners of the first call and also covered ideas of solutions based on the web for social projects or social problems.

Many times we do not know how to finance our ideas of social projects for more good though, so this is one of the forms and are very likely to as well as this web page also exist others that do a similar job.

Do you dare to create an idea of social project based on the web that can be won and compete with each other in the world?

Have a wonderful day.

Related note: springwise

If our articles are of interest or help you can subscribe to receive them by email by clicking here on this link.Related articles: categories: applications, social development, mobile, pages web, social networks, tecnologíaEtiquetas: from ideas, incubator, for social projects

This entry was posted on Tuesday, April 5th, 2011 at 12: 00 pm and is filed under applications, social development, mobile, pages web, social networks, technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave to response, or trackback from your own site.

Set up a business saving investment costs with virtual workers who work from home

It seems that a new jargon is asserting itself in the world of business English: have workers under the "wfh" System.

WFH is none other than the initials of the phrase in English "working from home" that translated into the Spanish language would be "working from home".

Happens that use by companies of a system WFH where much of the work that were previously made within the company now is done from the outside is becoming more widespread with employees who provide services from home taking advantage of new technologies of communication that the internet has become very popular and above all economic.

The benefits for a company are enormous and will it allow the company earn more money and be more profitable. You should explore this system to set up a business as your investment will be lower. The benefits include:

1. Saving of money the retail space required. The size of your Office will be less given that you don't need so many physical jobs and thus will save money on rent of offices.

2. Saving of money for less money involved in the place of work. Your investment of money will also be reduced by not having to invest in the implementation of a job, usually the virtual worker who works from home will be who will buy or have your own computer and pay his own energy or electricity.

3. Saving benefit labour. Usually a virtual worker who works from home, is not considered as a worker for labour law and labour costs will be reduced.

4. Saving transportation time and costs of mobility of workers. Not having to move the worker to work also produces a time-saving for the worker and a saving of money on the costs of their mobility.

The popularity of this systems has been highlighted in a study done by Skype that has found that 62% of company today already allow the existence of a work for distance or remote to taking advantage of the internet communication technologies. Look at the table then obtained from Mashable:

ideas de negocios

If you want to start a business and get more money for your investment you should why explore a system of virtual workers who can serve your business idea. While I have stressed here its advantages, this system WFH also has its disadvantages and requires a special administration and a change of mentality of entrepreneurs.

Bounce back, a community about stroke, ideas of technological proposals for social problems

ideas de negocios rentablesYesterday published an article in which we treat subject of ideas of web solutions to social problems, and today we will go to expand each of the winning proposals referred to in that article.

The importance of these proposals is that the web and mobile technology which is an accelerated progress in our societies, can and should help not only to the birth and creation of business but also for the solution of social problems.

Often are eager to help society but do not always have ideas of how to do it, and even less about how to implement internet and mobile phones for this purpose.

One of them is just Bounce Back, an idea of a community that connects people who survived a stroke with those emerging from one.

The idea of the creator of this idea is precisely due to the same, Sam Van Rood, suffered one at the age of 35 years and cost recovery, proposing to now help based on experiences as the of himself with people in need at the very moment that they require.

This project is in the stage of conception and design, but we believe that when it is released it will have a great positive impact on the community in general and particularly on people who need community support.

Another similar proposal in Spanish language has also just being released by a friend through a blog;  "with fibromyalgia" whereby will be uploading content that serves also to learn and connect people interested in the condition in particular and that perhaps cannot find many answers in the formal or medical community in general.

It is also good to mention the well-known and deservedly award-winning Peruvian blog called "Educating my son", which deals with autism lived in family, or as they themselves say: "The love of a family... with autism".

As you can see the ideas of technological solutions for social problems they may be in different ways and it is also very likely that these serve not only as much to the community in general but it also can monetize from considerable traffic at some point.

Have a wonderful day.

If our articles are of interest or help you can subscribe to receive them by email by clicking here on this link.Related articles: categories: applications, Blogs, social development, mobile, pages web, social networks, tecnologíaEtiquetas: back, Bounce, brain, community, spill, ideas for problems, proposals on social, technology

This entry was posted on Wednesday, April 6th, 2011 at 12: 00 pm and is filed under applications, Blogs, social development, mobile, pages web, social networks, technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave to response, or trackback from your own site.

Purchase and sale of business, perhaps a franchise, as a way to make a safe and profitable investment

Start a business from scratch can be a risky task to start in the business world for someone without experience and why the best perhaps search for a safe and profitable investment buying business underway.

Many people come to the sale of business due to several reasons that you as an entrepreneur you should analyze to see if there you can invest your money.

Another way to find business opportunities is by buying franchises and today various cheap franchises can be found on the market. A franchise is to use the business model of a company which you puts at your disposal in exchange for a royalty (the most well-known franchises are those of Pizza Hut, KFC, Burger King, Starbucks and Subway).

Let us focus now only in the purchase of business underway:

1. Search for sale of business magazines or specialized newspapers or websites. At this early stage it is important that you focus on collecting publications dedicated to announce sales of business underway. For an investment of little money sometimes classified newspapers are an excellent source to find opportunities to invest.

2. Make an analysis of the opportunities of sale of business of at least 2 to 3 months. The purchase of business start-up is not a quick, you should analyze the market for the sale of business to see if some kind of business is announcing very often for sale which will be a symptom that may not be such a great bargain as it seems.

3. Search for the sale of business ideas to set up a business. Analyzing the purchase of a business in motion has many advantages but in the process of seeking the best opportunity to invest your money can find ideas to start your own business with the big advantage that you will be able to analyze a series of numbers that people who sell their business will be at your disposal.

4. Carefully analyzes why people have been selling their business. This is a very important factor given that it will depend on the success of your investment to make it profitable. Many times the sale of the business is produced by that business is simply not profitable perhaps by a bad location or the low profit margin, you do not trust what say you the current owner of the given business that he what he wants is that you buy the business. Much will depend on your skills to see how it is that you become the weaknesses of this business up strengths.

5. Remember that almost no one sells a business if it is successful and profitable. It is very rare that someone sold a successful and profitable business, therefore it is very important that you analyze by that business is being sold. You can find good opportunities to invest if it is in our analysis we have come to the conclusion that perhaps the business is not profitable for an envelope financial debt. In that case, what we will do is pay the debt for so lower financial costs. Other excellent investment opportunities is when we see that who sells the business is not an experience that we do have to take the business forward.

Refreshments for gardens or kinder, ideas of profitable business to make money

ideas de negocios rentablesOne of the major concerns of the parents who send their children to a garden or kindergarten for the first time is food, because it can be controlled at home but once the child leaves home is difficult to know certainly if it fed well or not.

A way to be more quiet about what they consume or feed our son when he joined a garden or kinder is hiring the services of snacks, which said service must provide to each parent a monthly list of the components of the daily snack for children.

With this service not only one is sure that the food is balanced and appropriate for your child but also saves much time parents, and especially mothers who are generally responsible for preparing food or snack for their children when they do not have a similar service.

As a business idea, the key is to detect those gardens or kinders in your town that do not offer this service, talk to managers about the importance of a good and balanced diet, then request a meeting with parents and explain the advantages of the service along with samples of the complete snacks and with a very good and neat presentation.

Others is to say that snacking should be of quality and always very clean since it's children that just leave home so that are prone to infections and infections more frequently than when they were just at home.

This profitable business idea does not mean long and is available as an extra work that also alleged pro generates extra revenue.

The good thing about this service is that you a time that is taken by a good part of the parents of the children of a garden or kinder gets used to set a certain time for the snack by which children become accustomed to eat healthily and in a regular and constant every day.

It is known that many children learn by imitation, so this idea of business also helps those who have little appetite or have difficulties to be fed to acquire better eating habits already that the same is done in group.

A brilliant business idea that it not only generates income or money but also helps and benefits to our children, future of our countries.

Have a wonderful day.

If our articles are of interest or help you can subscribe to receive them by email by clicking here on this link.Related articles: category: business, make money, Ideas of business, profitable business, TrabajoEtiquetas: money, win, gardens, kinder, ideas, business, for snacks, profitable

This entry was posted on Thursday, April 7th, 2011 at 12: 00 pm and is filed under business, make money, Ideas of business, profitable business, work. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave to response, or trackback from your own site.

Purchase items from focalprice to resell them and make money as a business idea

ideas de negocios rentablesIn a previous article already we had proposed the subject of making money to buy cheap products and sell them at higher prices, commonly known in economics as arbitration of prices.

As well, I would like to tell you that on 11 March I made a purchase in focalprice and it came to Peru without problems on April 5, i.e. in less than 1 month came to the door of my house without any problem, and with normal service for focalprice.

Clear that I only bought a cheap article of US $3.00 to test the functioning and efficiency of this web page of Chinese articles, however most reviewing other websites and forums has good results in terms of destination effectively fulfilled.

In addition this kind of pages, especially the more known as focalprice or dealxtreme offer a refund when you had a problem and you pay by paypal (paypal dispute) and in addition you can also cancel the order if it has not yet sent.

The same day I also made a request at dealxtreme, for a high value as it was a product of interest to me, however, spend more than 15 days without having been Envoy decided to cancel the order and the money was refunded to my paypal account within a few days.

An interesting point if you are interested in this type of business is now offering the possibility of dropshipping, i.e. that your you can offer their products as if they were yours, and when someone buys you then you place the order for that person and the company makes sending directly to the House of the buyer without any mark of the original site, i.e. as if it were a product submitted by you.

Should also be careful and know something of the products that you buy or offer, keep in mind that they are Chinese products at low prices but they do not always have the same quality as the originals, from which derive good copiesso before thinking about a product the best will be to compare it with another of similar characteristics imported by a physical store in your area.

In any case focalprice products if they, in my case arrived without problems and in less than 1 month, also as I said also you can cancel an order, return the product in case of failure or request a refund in another case by paypal.

As recommendation is good to register on this page before making a purchase, and always using the same email from your paypal, so suggest themselves.

Have a wonderful day.

If our articles are of interest or help you can subscribe to receive them by email by clicking here on this link.Related articles: categories: business, make money, Ideas of business, investment, business online, business profitable, web pages, TrabajoEtiquetas: articles, purchase, money, focalprice, winning, idea, business, resale

This entry was posted on Wednesday, April 6th, 2011 at 09: 18 pm and is filed under business, make money, Ideas of business, investment, business online, business profitable, web pages, work. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave to response, or trackback from your own site.