How can we measure the success of a blog? … It will be by the number of daily visits it receives, the amount of comments or it will be perhaps by the money that can win this blog.
I think that the answer depends much on what were the motivations that led to the creator of a blog to start one given that many will do so for the money that they intend to win with the same while others may do so only as a means to disseminate their ideas.
But more than this subjective response that one may have, there will always be as common denominator that a blog will be successful if it achieves the most possible visits given that this will allow you to earn more money or will allow you to better disseminate their ideas causing the impact you want to achieve.
I know many blogs with thousands of visits a day simply earning just $10 per day or even less that simply do not have "monetizado" his blog, i.e. do not develop no strategy to make money with it his main motivation is simply to spread their ideas.
How much money should win a Blog according to your visits daily traffic?
If your goal is to make money with a blog you should know that the statistics in English-language blogs is that one should earn with blog at least U.S.$ 1.00 (one dollar) per month for each single visit you.
So if you have a daily average of 5,000 unique visitors per day should be winning with your blog at least U.S.$ 5,000 USD per month. If you do not win that means that no estás "monetizing" correctly your blog and you are leaving money on the table.
He warns that the idea is that you get to win this sum of money not only with Google Adsense advertising but also through the sale of products and various monetization systems that exist on the internet.
This is the statistics for blogs in English where there is a larger market and where there is more usual to buy products online. In Spanish language, my experience tells me that profits can be reduced even in a third party although I do not have statistics or studies to support my personal experience.
If your blog is not earning such sums money depending on the number of unique visitors that have the same means that simply not you are using the right strategies to make money with it but always remember that the success of a blog not dependent many times the money that he can win, but the motivations that you took to make and develop your blog.
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