Time ago it became fashionable for internet put buttons on PayPal for receiving donations from readers or visitors to a blog or a website.
The idea of the author of the blog or website was put this kind of buttons in order to thus make money Internet appealing to these donations that they requested by pointing out that the content published on the blog was useful and free and that consequently he could deserve a donation of money by the visitor.
These buttons for PayPal donations are becoming rarer and the reason for this is that people did not make any donation (I tried them in my early days on the internet) and that for a marketing issue was a little strange that a website or blog ask for donations when they were in the network very good or contents similar to those that were published on the website asking for donations.
An alternative system has now emerged to receive this type of donations and thus earning extra money on the internet called Flattr.
Flattr is a micropayment system that you can allow any content creator online earn additional money by post on the net but certainly the success of the system will depend much on the will of our readers to participate in this system.
The idea of business of Flattr is as follows:
1. I as the creator of content public about Flattr buttons in the Web site or blog where I publish my articles, my music, my movies or anything else to publique.2. Buttons installed by the author of the content, will allow people to do click on them but only people who have account in Flattr.3 can click. Persons to have account on Flattr must schedule and enable the Fund of money which they wish to "Donate" on the internet using this platform for micropayments. If you program to spend $20 a month then that is the money that will be spread among all the people to whom you click using Flattr.4. If you only click on a Flattr button then all his money in the month will go to that person. If you click on 100 buttons for different Web sites or blogs, then their money out of the month shall be apportioned between all of them and will be a way to thank the people who publish content for them.Watch the video in English which explains the system:
As you can see Flattr it is a very similar thing to receive donations but that it has been automated to facilitate the process but certainly still depends on the kindness of the people you want to compensate authors for their content published on the internet.
Given that it is an application based on Europe, Flattr uses the Euro as their currency and according to reports FastCompany has almost 70 thousand users and bloggers and authors of websites or blogs reported only receiving about 3 Euros per month which is still very little money but in any case it would have to give it a try This business model to see if in the future it is certainly more profitable.
You can visit Flattr by clicking here on this link
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